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If you want to stay ahead in the business world, you need to utilize every tool you have at your disposal. It doesn’t matter what your line of business may be. The flower shop business is just as cutthroat as the largest multination conglomerate disputes. So know that eCommerce isn’t that different. Where does that leave you? Well, get some tools in your arsenal and develop proper eCommerce strategies to beat your competitors.

If you want to beat your competitor, if you want to rise above them, then you need to utilize the best e-commerce strategies you can.

Below you can find 6 ways that can help you push through and come out on top.

1) Always Go Above And Beyond

First of all, master the basics. There is no point in refining minutia when you haven’t get your foundation set up properly. You want to master them, and then go above and beyond what is expected. Now, of course, there is something to be said for creativity, for thinking of an original idea that is to push you forward. But, cementing your foundation is something too many don’t think about.

Take your social media marketing for example. It’s a very common part of eCommerce advertising strategies. Now, you may have done everything properly. The next thing you should do is not switch to some other aspect, but rather refine it. For example– did you set up social media protection properly? Get your basics in order, then see how you can master them, and only after can you move on.

2) Delivery Matters

Using delivery as a part of your overall eCommerce strategy is smart to keep your customers happy.
Fast And Reliable Delivery Keeps Your Customers Happy.

Again, this is all about being better than your competition. This means you can’t just do things in a regular, standard way. You need to stand out. So, one of the things you can think about is delivery. First, you should have already decided on whether you’re going to offer free shipping or not. This depends greatly on the goods and services you offer.

Now, you should offer some things that not many (or any) competitors offer. For example, things like making sure that a package arrives sooner than expected at a customer’s home. Also, get some special deals or even small gifts (a simple trinket) tied to a customer’s order can get you a client for life. Simple things, like earbuds with an iPad, shoelaces with trending sneakers, and a knit cap with a sports jersey – all these go a long way in enhancing the overall e-Commerce fulfillment process.

3) Perfect Your Mobile Setup

We already mentioned how important the basics are, but mobile optimization deserves a special section. One of the reasons for our choice is that too many don’t take it seriously. However, mobile optimization is one of the most important things you can do for your mobile website. Just think – how much of your browsing time is spent through a desktop and how much on your phone?

So, you should already have your website optimized for web browsing. However, you dot want to just have the basics done – you want total optimization. If you need to, contact a professional design team, like the experts at Orion web design for example, and get this done. Your website may be mobile friendly, but is it as fast as it can be? What about extra features, or safety?

4) See Where You Stand At The Market

Be sure to always assess and reassess where you stand in the marketplace.
Knowing where you stand in the market will lead to continued success.

You need to sit down and reassess where you stand in the market. This means being brutally honest with yourself, and see where you can improve. However, this also means analyzing the market and seeing how your competitors look as well. They have weaknesses just as much as you have. Then, see how you can use that to your advantage.

This can also help you keep an ear to the ground, and maybe predict the next best thing in your field (or help you avoid the next big crash). Properly assisting your market position also means you can learn how to make the best out of a bad situation, or how to keep things running smoothly.

5) Always Reassess Your Pricing

Pricing is always a complicated issue. It’s a touchy subject that needs to be reassessed continually, every few months. Now, we’re not saying you should change your prices every quarter. What we are, however, saying is that you need to see if you need to (or can) actually change them.

The market changes, the competition changes. Keeping the same price for the same products for years can cause issues in the long run. For example, there may be an item that is part of your catalog that simply isn’t as valuable as it was because it’s outdated. Or, you may notice a change in the market system, and notice all your competitors lowered their prices. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you should lower them too, you do need to see why they may have done so.

On the other hand, perhaps your general user base has seen a boom in their profits and living standard. So why not raise your prices? If your competitors raised their prices dramatically, you may actually get into trouble. Instead of being favored by your user base for your lower prices, you may seem cheap, and your items may look suspect.

6) Know When To Branch Out

Knowing when to make smart moves and branch out is a good way to reach success.
If you know when to branch out and expand your business you will succeed in the eCommerce world.

Learn how and when to properly branch out. The great benefit of e-commerce business is that the world is your oyster, or, rather, the Internet. Now, the web is by its very nature global, there are no borders, so it would be a shame if you were to not branch out. An issue here is – should you?

Sure, you hired experts to work on your website continually, your gear is ready, your suppliers are prepared. The issue here is – can you actually make a sale internationally? Too many eCommerce businesses go global too soon and burn out. By being patient you can outlive your competition. They may have made some great short-term results, but in the long term, their impatience and greed just lead them to a loss in profits and a lot of stress.


If you want to stand above your competition, you need to utilize every strategy you have. So, try a couple of things out. First, master the basics, and continually work on them. Learn when to be patient, and when to stand back. Analyze the market properly, and think about the prices you provide. Mix things up where you can (once you get the fundamentals down), like how you deliver items. It’s a tough world out there, and you always need to be one step ahead of the competition.

Our Guest Blogger

Nick is a blogger and a marketing expert currently engaged on projects for Media Gurus, an Australian business, and marketing resource. He is an aspiring street artist and does Audio/Video editing as a hobby.

Nick is a blogger and a marketing expert currently engaged in projects for Media Gurus, an Australian business, and marketing resource. He is an aspiring street artist and does Audio/Video editing as a hobby.


About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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