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Many web designers have the mistaken belief that they do professional work just because everything they produce is pleasing to the eyes. Read on to learn how to make your web design look more professional.

While looks may be a factor in making a website appear professional, it’s not the only one that web designers must consider. As a matter of fact, there are gorgeously-designed websites out there that, in the end, fail to impress potential customers and business partners because of a palpable lack of professionalism.

So what can a website designer do to make his or her work look more professional? Here are some tips.

Simplicity Is Key

Minimalism is all the rage these days not only in web design but for just about anything. For experienced web designers, putting in plenty of white space on web pages is one remarkable way of conveying simplicity. With more white space, other design elements have more breathing space. If you can help it, don’t commit visual overkill by overdoing it with flashy elements like drop shadows and borders. Simplicity is essential in putting across the message that visitors are looking at a professional website. This example of SWIC or Southwestern Illinois College shows how simplicity can work.

This is an example of using simplicity in design done for

Use Fonts Appropriately

It’s amusing how some websites try to project a certain image to represent their business’ style and culture but fail miserably because they used the wrong or inappropriate font. Always take the nature of the business into consideration when choosing fonts for the website. Using more businesslike fonts for those with serious businesses, and fun and more whimsical fonts for those that deal in something fun and entertaining sounds just about right.

It’s also important to note that web designers should use larger fonts for headings, subheadings, titles, and other essential details. The fonts for the text should also be highly readable, or visitors will just move on to another site.

Easy Navigation

Another thing that can make a visitor bounce off to another site is confusing navigation. Web designers must make sure that the website is well-organized. Anything less than that and readers will get all lost in the clutter. The better organized the site, the simpler it is to navigate, and the more professional it would be.

Big, High-Quality Images

Nothing screams “professional” better than big, high-quality, and beautiful images on your page, particularly your landing page. Eyes are instantly drawn to the sight of striking photography, and that will undoubtedly play a role in lead generation and eventual conversions down the road. Make stunning imagery a staple of the entire website, and it will appear as professional as it can get to the eyes of anyone who checks it out.

Coordinate The Colors

Some of the most unpleasant-looking sites are those that seem to just throw random colors together. Color makes a significant impact on a website’s overall design, and it’s vital that they coordinated properly.  It also pays to incorporate some color psychology into your design by using colors that you believe best represent the business.

Psychology Colors For A Website Website Designer

Write Impressive Copy

In a world where everything gets scrutinized to the minutest detail, writing excellent content is a good way of conveying to your readers how professional you and your business are. Some may scoff at the idea of perfectly-written copy, but no one can deny that articles and pages free of grammatical errors and atrociously-written sentences make a good impression on anyone who reads them. Considering how judgmental people these days can get about what they read, well-written content can make a case for how professional a website you design is.

These are many other ways that you can make your web design look more professional, but the ones listed above should be enough to get you started on elevating the professional reputation of your business.

Guest Blogger

Anthony Tisara is the Outreach Manager at My Biz Niche, the go-to Phoenix-based digital marketing agency specializing in effective SEO and stunning web design solutions built to capture your target audience and generate more leads. He enjoys traveling with his family and organizing weekly trivia events with his friends.

Contact Matchbox Design Group Today!

Categories:  St. Louis Website Design

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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