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Findstack reported an increase of 14.5% after businesses used marketing automation. It shows how much automation has impacted international companies’ and consumers’ personal lives.

Today, we will be discussing automation, its latest trends, how its influencing communication and marketing, and leading the advancement in professional translation agencies. If you want to learn more about this, then keep reading!

The Latest Automation Updates

Ever since businesses invented marketing, every generation of marketers has been finding innovative ways to competitively improve their means to increase their chances of finding potential customers. From the printing press to the radio to the television until, most recently, the internet, marketing has evolved with each time technology evolved.

Robot hand with shopping cart full of gift boxes representing marketing automation.

And so, when automation was developed, like all the other forms of technology mentioned, it became integrated for marketing and business purposes. We’ve listed a couple of data and information about the latest trends in automation:

  • Lead nurturing through sales automation has increased conversion by 200% across various brands. (Windward Studios)
  • From 2017 to 2021, it’s expected that AI-powered CRM will have a market value of 1.1 trillion US and generate more than 800,000 jobs directly involved with this AI-driven automation while indirectly creating 2 million jobs worldwide. (Salesforce)
  • Eight billion USD annually will be saved through natural language processing and chatbots. (Boomtown)
  • The healthcare and banking industry saves about 70 cents per client interaction through chatbot automation. (Juniper Research)
  • 56% of 450 call centers from across different sectors plan to invest more in AI technology in the future. (Deloitte)

Based on the data gathered, automation is moving towards a more AI and data-driven sector. This has a lot of implications on how it will shape the eCommerce and digital sector in the long run.   

What Automation Means In The Digital World

Automation has made eCommerce and digital marketing more efficient and easier. However, many sectors are not yet prepared for the automation revolution.

Mckinsey & Company reported that by 2030, about 375 million people, or 14% of the world’s workforce would need to be retrained to accommodate the changes made by automation in various industries. There will be workers displaced by automation and need to be reassigned to jobs directly and indirectly affected by the development of these technologies. 

Besides the changes in the global workforce, issues of the ethical ways its being used have been at the forefront of many discussions by world economists, business owners, and consumer’s rights activists. With automation came the issue of gathering, extracting, and storing customers’ data.

Young woman using the home automation system on digital tablet to regulate the temperature.

Responsible usage of personal data isn’t just in compliance with laws regarding consumer data privacy, but it has a lasting impact on the way your customers will perceive your brand. The challenge now for businesses is to find ways to incorporate the four principles of responsible marketing:

  • Transparency in data usage
  • Giving customers control over data usage 
  • Appropriately collecting and using personal data
  • Provide explicit benefits for the data your customers provide

However, because English isn’t necessarily the default language of the internet and with regions having their laws regarding data privacy, professional translation agencies have become essential in ensuring that cultural and linguistic barriers do not hamper communication and the flow of information. 

The increasing demand for language solutions has resulted in the translation industry investing and incorporating automation. The Global Market Insights reported that by 2027, the machine translation market would be worth 3 billion USD. 

Later, we will discuss how the developments in the translation industry have assisted customer support, digital marketing, and communications.

Chatbots For Customer Support

To discuss chatbots, let’s first define what a chatbot is. In short, chatbots are AI software that creates that utilizes natural language programming to simulate a conversation with the customer through the website or mobile app.    

Why is it being prioritized by many eCommerce businesses? Startup Bonsai reported that about 68.9% of chatbots handle chat support from start to finish. However, there have been concerns about customer support chatbots taking people’s jobs. The good news is that even though chatbot best practices have made communicating with customers run along more quickly, human interaction is still a significant part of customer support and will continue to do so.

Many companies use chatbots to enhance the customer experience and immediately satisfy customers’ questions and needs about their products and services without having little or no human involvement.   

Recently, chatbots have become multilingual, offering language support in various languages. The language support of the eCommerce site changes along with the user’s geographic location, making the customer experience of international users seamless with little to no language barriers.       

Machine Translation For A Translation Agency

As mentioned above, the translation industry has seen increased demand over the last decade. In 2021, Slator reported that the language services industry had a market worth 26.6 billion USD. Meanwhile, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that from 2020 to 2030, this sector saw employment growth of 24%, which is higher than other industries.

It’s no wonder the translation industry has also seen notable developments in automation. The most recent one is the creation of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), which automates translation using an end-to-end learning program that utilizes a neural network that predicts the sequence of the translated text. 

The advancement of AI technology in translation has led many to question the quality of translations from machine translation (MT). Leading to many specialized sectors not accepting purely translated text from MT, such as law and medicine. It’s due to MT still lacking the capacity to accurately translate cultural and linguistic nuances into languages.

Chatbot conversation on laptop screen app interface with artificial intelligence technology.

But because of MT’s efficiency in translating documents, a translation agency will usually combine technology with the translator’s expertise for cost-effective online translations without compromising its quality. International standardizing bodies, like the ISO, and government organizations, provide evaluation and certify the agency’s quality in providing translation and language solutions to businesses and private clients. 

Automated Emails For Digital Marketing

Email automation is defined as a type of tool in marketing automation that allows you to create emails that will be sent to the right people with the right message at the right time, automatically without much human interaction.  

One of the benefits of email automation is that it allows you to personalize your email marketing campaigns and establish a relationship with your customers. Email Chimp’s study showed that 74% of customers expect a welcome email after subscribing to a business’s mailing list and that it generated more clicks than standard marketing, about five times more. The consistency of automated emails has resulted in consistency in sales by up 150% through personalized recommendations. 

Email listing has always been an essential part of digital marketing. The fact that your customer has signed up and subscribed to your email listing shows trust and faith in your brand’s credibility to provide relevant information and services that they would like to read more from you. Automating emails to ensure that you’re not sending too much or too few newsletters and updates isn’t just revolutionary but takes away the burden of doing it manually. 


Marketing Automation has disrupted the digital marketing landscape, making it a more competitive but thriving industry with limitless opportunities for innovation. The challenge now is for businesses across the globe to develop ways to fully optimize the automation and achieve the results they’re looking for without compromising the ethical and legal aspects. Professional translation agencies are a great example of how to retrain workers’ skills to accommodate the technological changes brought by automation.

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