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The World Wide Web has taken over pretty much every aspect of our lives. We have all the information we need at our fingertips. The internet is no longer a static space; it has become a world of its own. Posting content online is quick to be noticed. However, not every post out there manages to get the same amount of traffic. The trick is to create content that is relevant, readable, and relatable. Today we are going to talk about some SEO tips for content writers.

SEO or search engine optimization is a term that is in vogue these days. Search engines have a checklist to analyze and index websites. The more powerful your SEO is, the more visible and accessible you are. It also increases your chances of monetizing the content and profiting from it. Here are some of the best SEO tips that content creators should keep in mind to boost their page rankings.

Working to remember the 7 SEO tips all content writers should keep in mind.
Remember These 7 SEO Tips When Creating New Content

Find Trendy Topics – SEO Tips For Content Writers

Content creation is less about self-expression and more about catering to the reader’s preference. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have any control over the posts though. It is a delicate balance that you have to maintain all the time. Find your niche, research and post content that is unique and yet acceptable.

You also must be updated about the latest events and changes around you. Writing content that is realistic, accurate and authentic adds on to your credibility. Build a level of trust with your readers and encourage them to interact with you. It would give you better insights into what they want.

Access To Market Metrics

The more you post online, the better idea you have about the latest trends in the industry. Also, the new web development tools and blogging solutions allow you to check the reach of your posts. Thanks to the analytical platforms, you can now check how many people have viewed your content. You get instant feedback on your posts.

Having a grasp on the market metrics also helps writers understand the reader. Your audience base is not a mere statistic. They are actual real-life people, with their thoughts, opinions, and perceptions. SEO tools give you an idea about the demographic that you are pandering to. It also helps developers create innovative digital marketing strategies for better brand promotion.

Include Relevant Keywords

SEO is all about making your content as approachable and searchable as possible. When an average web user is browsing the internet, they are using specific search terms. Google and other search engines, take note of these keywords and phrases. Integrating these words into your content would make it easier for people to find them online.

Multiple tools and platforms would give you a list of keywords relevant to your business. However, merely stuffing your content with these words won’t do. You need to integrate these phrases as organically as possible. An excellent example of an SEO-rich content would be the Bronteprice blog on legal requirements for getting married in Australia. The image below shows how the post enjoys a high rank on Google.

Finding relevant keywords on Google.
You Must Find Relevant Keywords To Do Good SEO

Monitor The Word Count

Another essential factor that you need to keep in mind is the length of the article. Writers tend to drift away with the topic. Remember, your content should provide value to the reader. You can post about pretty much anything on your website as long as it is understandable, logical and not offensive. Avoid using cuss words and abusive language, as it might hurt the sentiments of your audience base. Also, keep an eye out for your competitors. Have a look at what your peers are posting and the word count that they follow.

Citations And Linking

Your content can have links to your internal blogs or some external websites as well. You can even cite research papers, journals and government websites to make your posts more credible. Linking and interlinking is an intricate process. You need to be very careful about the web pages that you add. Ensure that you don’t have any dead links as it might decrease your reach. The Getting Married Guide by Bronte Price Gay Celebrant is an excellent example of smart interlinking.

Always Have Titles Tags For Images

Search engines like Google cannot process graphics. The database cannot read or index images and videos that don’t have a text description with them. Ensure that your images always have alt tags and plain text descriptions attached to them. It would also be beneficial if you have a summary and meta description passage of 50 odd words as well.

Also, always have a header and title space for all your posts. Search engines find it easier to identify and index content that has a catchy title. Other than that, you need to work on getting your domain name and URL. With a custom domain name, you can build a powerful brand presence independently.

Have A Robust Screening Process

One of the toughest jobs as a content creator is not writing posts but proofreading them. For, it is when you proofread and edit the content that the numerous flaws crop up. Always leave the editing for last. Start by writing whatever that you want in a rough draft and then arrange it in a presentable way.

There are multiple tools online for checking the grammar, readability, and appeal of the content. These platforms ensure that your content is grammatically correct and error-free. It also checks for plagiarism. Google, for instance, has a stringent policy against data theft and piracy.

Have A Robust Screening Process
Be Sure To Proofread Your Content After You Write It.

The Bottom Line

Simply writing good content is not enough these days. You also need to present it in a way that is marketable and easy to promote. As a content creator, your goal should be to create posts that the readers can benefit from. Always write for the reader. Keep your sentences short, your language lucid, and the content accessible. Master these three aspects, and you can easily see your posts getting featured on the top results of Google. Hopefully these SEO tips for content writers will help you when creating new content.

Guest Post Author Bio:

Mary Jones is the co-founder & editor-in-chief at TopMyGrades, which focuses on Content Marketing Strategy for clients from the Education industry in the US, Canada & UK. Mary has conducted a series of webinars for AssignmentEssayHelp on Essay Writing. She has extensive content editing experience and has worked with MSNBC, NewsCred & Scripted. She has also authored blogs on,,, and many more digital publications.

Categories:  Digital Marketing / St. Louis SEO

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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