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As the world moves online, web design and development has become a key priority for many businesses. The importance of connecting with your audience through the digital space has never been so critical, and getting your website up and running is an essential first step. Hundreds of companies will be jostling for the attention of your customer; now, more than ever, offering unique services is a must to succeed. Today we are going to discuss some website design features in 2021 that you will need to follow.

What Are The Top Web Design Trends For 2021?

Just as in fashion, interior design, and food, websites have their own trends, quirks, and movements. Out-of-date sites look neglected and unloved, and this projects an unprofessional image to your customer, especially when your rivals are glossy and appealing. Subtle changes to your site’s design prove that you have your finger on the pulse. So, how web design helps business? Read on to unlock the secrets to success! Matchbox Design Group will make sure your website is ahead of all of your competitors in St. Louis.

Websites Design Features In 2021

Larger Typeface

In a busy modern world, clear, instant communication is essential. As a rule, your site visitors will make up their minds about your brand in the first 30 seconds, and this is your one and only chance to capture them; your message must be clear. Recent web design trends take this very literally; sites are bold and vibrant, with large typography, strong, fullscreen images, and in-your-face web icons. Your audience needs to know what you do, how you do it, and why you do it better than your competitors — all with a single glance.

However, it is important to note that this trend needs to be applied with finesse; having every aspect of your homepage oversized will simply result in a confusing visual noise, which is messy for the visitor. Instead, be selective; kick off the site with a fullscreen image or video above the fold, along with a single word, phrase, or slogan in bold type.

Vivid, Clear Colors

While some aspects of crafting the perfect site may seem confusing, there is one key piece of advice to offer those studying web design for beginners: your colors need to be bright, vivid, and rich. This is the perfect way to stand out in a saturated market and can be cleverly incorporated with your brand colors to send a clear message to your audience.

Web design and marketing go hand in hand; they are both designed to promote your brand, deliver your message, and entice your customers. Strong, bold color helps to convey a real sense of confidence and can make it easy to display information in small, digestible blocks. The message is clear: go bold or go home.

Make The Most Of White Space

If you are crafting your web design with HTML, it can be easy to overlook the visual, but this is crucial for making a good first impression. One of the top trends for 2021 is a rational use of blank space or whitespace. This helps you highlight important words, phrases, or calls to action and offers the whole site space to breathe — a far more positive experience for your audience.

Get To The Point

For certain niches, the layout of your website is critical. This includes online stores, service providers, or online gaming sites. For all of these, you need to ensure that the customer can find what they are looking for quickly — be that the perfect pair of shoes, their favorite games, or the holiday destination of their choice. Consider that you have only a brief period to capture the customer’s attention so that they can find everything they need straight away. Use clear menus, images, and easy-to-navigate buttons to avoid frustration and end up with a happy, satisfied customer.

What Are The Top Web Design Trends For 2021

A Seamless Experience

Many web developers are familiar with endless debates over web design vs. UX design, but the two have somewhat merged in recent years. In the simplest terms, the goal is the same: a web designer looks to meet clients’ requirements, while a UX designer solves users’ problems. In a world where we spend so much time online, any site visitor should enjoy a smooth, painless experience that resolves their initial question or issue — that is, they find the product, service, or assistance they have been searching for.

In addition, a growing number of consumers are now accessing sites and apps via smartphones, as opposed to desktop computers. Here, perhaps more than ever, a positive user experience is essential. There is no point in a stunning website that fails to work, is frustratingly slow, or cannot be accessed efficiently.

Ensure that your content is optimized for mobile use and that visitors can access the whole screen. Connections should be fast and user-friendly, with seamless navigation across the website. Ultimately, mobile users should not experience any disadvantage; in a world of half-built apps and unresponsive software, this can help you become a real game-changer.

Get Optimized!

In a similar way, web design and SEO are now familiar bedfellows, and this really is an essential element of any site. SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to techniques implemented to ensure that your site is at the top of the pile on any search engine results, allowing your customer’s instant access to your website above all others. The overall goal is not only to improve the quantity of traffic but also the quality of visitors — those who actually want what you have to offer.

There is a range of SEO techniques and tricks that can help boost your ranking, but the correct use of the right keywords in the right places is likely to make the biggest difference. The market is busy, and the bottom line fairly ruthless: if potential customers cannot find you on page one of Google, they will simply move on and choose a rival.

So, What Are The Basics?

When designing sites, it can be tempting to spend hours deciding whether you can implement web design without Bootstrap or agonizing over the web design vs. software development debate. In truth, however, you can make your life easier with just a few simple changes: primarily, getting people to your site in the first place with the right SEO secrets. Once they join, allow them to enjoy empty space, bold colors, and in-your-face typography. Thus, you will bring your website bang up to date and have the added bonus of looking seriously cool in the eyes of your customers.

Have you had success with any of these tips? Leave a comment below, share your experience, and inspire other business owners to try out the trends or website design features you need in 2021!

Author’s Bio

Joshua Sherman is one of the most widely known writers that specialize in technology. He has written many other informative articles, he mostly writes about technology. Apart from being an excellent writer, he loves traveling, playing games, watching TV, and meeting new people from anywhere in the world.


About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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