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Way back in 1996, Bill Gates famously proclaimed “Content is King.” What he meant is that, due to such factors as the rise of the Internet, it would become increasingly important in the upcoming years for companies to market their brands by providing customers with educational and/or entertaining content, in other words, create and value content.

His prediction certainly came true. Companies ranging from retail app development firms to apparel brands now market themselves via blogs, videos, and even video games. Your organization needs to do the same to succeed in today’s environment.

Just keep in mind that not all content marketing campaigns are equally effective. You need to remember certain essential tips when planning yours. They include the following:

Know Your Specific Goal

You probably already know you shouldn’t launch a content marketing campaign until you define your goal. However, having a goal isn’t enough if the goal is vague, such as “spread brand awareness” or “get more page views.” Your goal must be specific and measurable. If it’s not, you won’t be able to determine if your campaigns are actually yielding results.

Maintain A Consistent Brand Voice

Maintain A Consistent Brand Voice

Odds are good your content will take many forms. For instance, you may promote your brand through a blog on your site, a channel on YouTube, and a podcast. Diversifying your approach in this way will help you reach different types of potential customers.

You simply need to make sure your content accurately represents your brand’s voice. That voice must also be consistent across your various channels.

For example, perhaps your target audience consists of hip young people. Thus, your blog’s voice might be fun and casual. That means your videos and podcasts must have the same voice. Your brand will come across as inconsistent if a blog’s voice is casual but a video is more formal.

Find Ways To Repurpose Content

Generating content for a marketing campaign can take a lot of work. You might assume you don’t have time to create as much as you need. This is particularly true if yours is a small operation.

Luckily, there’s a solution: you can repurpose your content. This simply involves finding ways to use a single piece of content multiple times. For example, a blog entry might also serve as the basis for a podcast or video. This would help you significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to generate content.

Most importantly, remember to consistently track your campaigns’ progress. Mastering content marketing can take time. By paying attention to what is and isn’t working, you’ll constantly improve.

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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