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Thinking about starting a home business? Looking to drive traffic to your website? There are lots of ways to increase traffic to your online business. The most popular way to increase traffic to your website is by creating relevant and updated content.

So how do you create content for your home business? Well, it’s pretty simple if you put your mind to it. Do a search on the internet as if you were looking to start a home business, what would you search for?

Read as much as you can and learn from what you have read. Chances are you will find information that you can learn from and reply to others.

Let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your site.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO or Search engine optimization & content building are great ways. The reason this is so effective is that search engines pick it up. With this being said the amount of traffic to your site can be endless. One thing to be sure of is that your content and keywords are relevant.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The last thing you want is to attract people to your site that have no interest in your site. Use keywords, SEO, and content that is what you would use if you were looking for a business similar to yours. No one enjoys finding coin-operated laundry when they are looking for dry cleaners.

By creating content for your site that contains specific keywords, your site will receive a better rank from most search engines when a user searches for those keywords. Use tools like Semrush to win over your competitors in the SEO game. Here is how you can get a Semrush free trial.

Paid Advertising

If you have a budget a great way to increase your traffic is, of course, with advertising. There are many options to advertise for free, however many are already using it so your prospect may need to get through hundreds of ads before yours is even noticed.

There are also many ways to advertise for a fee. Before you jump into fee-based advertising make sure you are well informed, or you might find yourself broke before you even get started.

PPC (Pay Per Click) and Banner ads are great ways to advertise yet if you do not target the right market you will shortly find your business out of business.

Article Marketing

One of the most cost-effective ways to drive traffic to your site is to write articles. It only costs your time, some research, and writing skills. The value you can create, not only for yourself as well as others will prove so invaluable.

Do some research by reading what others have written and use that information to complete your own thoughts. The value in this is immense, you can gather hundreds of free leads using free article websites.

Exchange Links

Find a site with the same niche as yours and be willing to exchange links. By doing this, you will be able to increase your web presence without having to spend on advertisements and other gimmicks.

It could also enhance your chances for ranking high in search engine results since they tend to rank high websites with inbound and outbound theme-related links. By then, you will start to tell the abrupt spurge of traffic on your site.

Join Online Communities And Forums

Join forums and sites of the same niche as yours and interact with people. As you interact, you are given the chance to share your product and gradually gain public awareness. This will build you as a reputable online merchant.

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing.

There are two techniques when it comes to online marketing – normal and viral. Normal marketing is done by the owner of the business or the website and the information is directly spread to consumers.

But viral marketing on the other hand is done in a way that the information originates from the website owner, but is then spread from consumer to consumer without any more efforts from the website owner.

One very popular way of doing a viral marketing strategy is by using viral eBooks. An eBook is an electronic book that is downloaded from the internet, where consumers or readers have the option to read it on the computer screen or have it printed out. But eBooks are not just text files, but come in attractive covers, graphics, advertising, and articles inside.

If you are planning to use a viral marketing campaign to promote your site, there are a few things that you should consider. You must remember these important things so that your viral eBook marketing campaign will work without glitches.

Writing An eBook

The very important thing that you should keep in mind when you write an eBook for marketing purposes is to include information that people are interested in. Make sure that the information you write about is what people want and that the information is not readily available anywhere else.

You also have to make sure that the eBook you offer on your site is highly related to the topic of the rest of your site and should deliver a coherent message to your possible readers. If your articles are not fluid, your eBook will likely flop.

Proper Branding

So that your viral marketing of the eBook will work, you have to include your information, link, and most importantly your brand on the cover and in the pages of the eBook as well. Start your online business with Bluehost as they are offering the best offers and discounts on web hosting. Here are Bluehost’s pricing details and offers.

Be consistent

Have the same menu or some extension of it on all pages so that viewers know where they are at all times. “Home” is a must on every page. Visitors should be able to easily look around your website.

If visitors are frustrated and cannot find what they are looking for, they are likely to leave quickly and never come back or recommend your website to others. The menu can be located at the top, left, or right side of the page.

Use Social Networking Sites

Social networks are one of the most powerful ways to get traffic to your website. If you have free access to those sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc, the traffic you can pull in will exceed the traffic that you can have from Google, Yahoo, and the other major search engines. Though it may take time, you can end up with positive results.

Offer Freebies

Offer Freebies.

Online freebies are commonplace that leave the visitor wanting more when you give well-written and informative materials.

You can give EBooks, articles, online classes, or seminars with tons of advice, tips, and strategies that will entice people to visit your site. When products or services get popular and people start visiting your website, there will be great chances that they will visit the other sections of the site as well.

Make Offline/Online Contacts

One of the easiest ways to get some visitors to your site is to talk about it! Your family members, your friends need to know what you are doing and at which site.

It is strongly believed that once they know about your site, they will probably visit it, and they can extend this knowledge to whoever is interested in the subject of your website or blog. This word of mouth can go far. It is a very interesting and simple way to get things going for your site.

Telling your friends and getting them interested in your website or blog, may set off a chain reaction because they may also tell their other friends who will then tell their other friends… And the viral effect is unstoppable.

Blog Commenting

Blogs also allow you to comment. As in the case of forums, you must leave comments that are thoughtful and relevant or your comments and backlinks will be rejected.

Also, try to comment on blogs that do not have “no follow” in the links, because “no follow” links do not pass page rank to your website.


Blogging also can furnish you with good quality totally free internet site visitors to other sources. When you write articles for any crowdsourcing or article directory webpage feel free to use your blog to point totally free traffic, through search engines like Google, to those blogs.

A good fact about free website visitors that are generated from a search engine is that it is always targeted. You can have a look at how your rivals are driving traffic to their sites using Semrush.

Because it depends on keywords to obtain search results you can confirm that everyone who lands on your website from a search engine prefers to be there.


Using your newsletter to build your business is an effective free method that you can use. Learn what it can do and try to make the best use of it. It is a form of communication with your subscribers who are either your customers or prospects.

Try to use some creativity to make the content in your newsletter look both interesting and unique.

If you conscientiously work on producing a quality newsletter for your subscribers, you will soon see more traffic coming to your website. Increasing your affiliate sales is a natural eventuality when your subscribers gain more trust in you.

Video Marketing

One underused form of marketing is video marketing. Online videos are white-hot because of video-sharing sites. It’s one of the most exciting ways to produce targeted traffic. Videos work well in marketing because people are interested in the video, then they visit the site already interested to buy.

Videos do a great job of pre-selling, and prospects convert well to sales with this method. All you need to do is make sure that the videos you create are interesting to watch, you are using good video editing software, and are able to keep the viewer glued to their computer, and invoke a positive response from them.

Video Marketing to help Increase Your Website Traffic.

However, your focus with the video is not to entertain but to get traffic to your site, which is why having a strong call to action throughout the video is highly important. It’s perfectly fine for the call to action to be at the end of your video, but you do want it easily visible and easy to read.


In short, if you want Internet marketing to give you great results, you have to put in consistent efforts and ensure that the methods you’re using are ethical.

The main thing you need to do is focus on mastering one source at a time before moving onto the next one. This way you will always be able to build a strong base of automated traffic in your niche the right way.

About Author

Hey, I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily.

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About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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