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Not so long ago, every business owner started their media marketing campaign by relying solely on Google. Google was the chief source of exposure and the top search engine organic source that helped the websites get visitors. Now, things have changed for the better, and we have many different ways to build organic sources of website traffic. An entire new industry has been created to optimize business websites that run according to Google’s requirements.

If you have started your business website to get online exposure, raising brand awareness, and boosting website traffic, you must have read a few articles on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There is also a possibility that you have obtained awesome SEO results. However, as the saying goes: never keep all your eggs in one basket. In simple words, learning the art of diversifying one’s organic website traffic sources is a sure way to rank your business at the top of Google algorithm update.

Trust us when we tell you that if your website isn’t ranking in the top 6 search results, you cannot be expecting more than 4% clicks of visitors to your website. Furthermore, suppose you aren’t ranking on the first page of Google. In that case, it is better to abandon the thoughts about increasing your organic traffic, direct traffic, and, frankly, any other kind of website traffic from Google. If your website isn’t ranking on the first page, you aren’t getting visibility.

The hard-hitting reality is that most business owners fail to get their intended SEO results and rank for their targeted keywords. If you are willing to build a more robust and sustainable source of organic traffic for your business website, then you are here at the right spot. Let’s roll with five ways to build organic sources of website traffic. No worries, as these are proven to work!

Target Keywords With Search Traffic Potential

Target Keywords With Search Traffic Potential

You already know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best ways to obtain long-term and consistent results. As long as you can rank at the top on Google, you will keep getting passive organic traffic to your website. To do so, you need to write about topics that contain keywords with search traffic potential. Simply, you will be writing about topics that people are searching for. The trick is to focus on low-competition, high-volume keywords. While prioritizing your list of topics, focus on those with greater business value. Prioritize the topics where your products/ services will be crucial for solving problems.

Boost Your Traffic With Guest Posts

Another way to build organic sources of website traffic is by writing for other blogs. This strategy is also known as guest blogging and is an effective way of getting backlinks to your site. With the best guest posting writing services, your website benefits by getting more referral traffic, backlinks, and increased brand awareness. You may encounter the challenge of finding blogs willing to accept and publish your guest posts. Most SEOs find sites that offer the feature of “write for us” to evade this issue. However, instead of limiting yourself to sites with a “become a contributor” page, other sites are willing to accept guest posts despite not advertising them. Who doesn’t love free content? If you find websites that have published content about a particular topic before, there are greater chances of being interested in accepting guest posts on a similar topic.

Extra Tip: Most people write guest posts with the sole purpose of getting backlinks. Often, it doesn’t matter to them whether they stay relevant to their blog or not. The tip to get more website traffic is to write about relevant topics while pitching your product/ service in the post. You don’t need to start selling. Just mention your product/ service where it naturally fits in instead of sounding pushy.

Promote Your Brand/Content In Online Communities

Do you know where your target audience is more likely to hang out on the Web? You can find relevant online communities everywhere, such as Forums, Reddit, Quora, Slack, etc. the number one thing to avoid is seeking out a couple of Facebook groups and starting to spam them. Trust us; there is no quicker way to get banned from online communities. You will have to make an active effort to be part of online communities and cultivate your relationship with them. As you will be actively responding to comments and partaking in online discussions (relevant to your products/ services), they (your target audience) are more likely to respond to the rare occasions where you will be self-promoting your products/ services. You may also indulge in answering questions on Quora relevant to your niche while generating organic traffic to your website along the way.

Collaborate With Other Brands

Collaborate With Other Brands

Depending on your niche, you are more likely to find plenty of non-competing brands with whom you share the same target audience. By working together and collaborating with other brands, you can cross-promote the audiences of each other. The bottom line is to keep looking out for opportunities to collaborate with brands that provide solutions to different problems for a shared audience. Through successful collaboration, you can each boost your website traffic while accessing an entirely new audience without unintentionally stealing each other’s clients.

Update All Outdated Content

If you are looking for a massive uptick in your website traffic, updating all your outdated content might just do the trick! By pinpointing articles that are no more evergreen (for Google), all you need to do is refresh and republish the updated content. If your content becomes outdated, Google may demote your rankings while your competitors will be hanging on to steal your spot at the top. So, to stay one step ahead of your competitors, you need to keep refreshing your content while maintaining your rankings. Look at your Google Analytics and find the page that has decreased traffic and start working from there. Often, pages and content drop in rankings due to certain parts that get outdated, including stats, links, screenshots, process, etc. Sometimes, it suffices to refresh the outdated section. However, other times, you might be required to rewrite the entire article.

Contact Matchbox Design Group Today!

If your website could use a refresh, if you’re looking to drive more traffic to your site, or you would like to submit a guest post, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to learn more about your digital needs.

Categories:  Digital Marketing / St. Louis SEO

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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