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The Future Is Voice Technology. So… what is voice technology? Today, when we think of voice technology, we think of big names like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri—devices and software that ease the users’ experience through simplistic and hands-free interaction, but voice technology has been around much longer. In 1961, IBM created the IBM Shoebox, a rudimentary digital speech recognition tool with the power to comprehend a total of 16 words and digits. In 2011, Apple introduced the world to Siri, utilizing the power of voice recognition to process entire languages on handheld devices.

Today, the need for voice recognition software to provide users with personalized experiences is only increasing—with over 30 million smart speakers sold in 2017 and 20 percent of US adults owning at least one of these smart devices. In a world where new technological advancements seem to happen every day, brands want to stay on the cutting edge of marketing, and the future is voice technology.

Information gathered from this report.

By 2020, voice searches will compromise 50 percent of all searches, and 75 percent of US households will own a smart speaker. The market for voice applications on these smart devices is growing rapidly, with the Alexa Skill store hosting over 50 thousand third-party applications. But how does voice technology help brands?

Information gathered from this report.

Voice SEO is a very important factor for 2019
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Brand Story Telling

Voice technology is a powerful tool that helps connect your brand to consumers. Through creating unique voice applications for these smart devices, users can learn about your brand’s story and mission in a new, interactive environment. The public can stay informed to all the relevant information like upcoming events, featured items, sales, products, and much more. Voice applications give your brand another powerful outlet for exposure.

What Is Voxion?

Voxion works with your brand to create a unique voice experience for consumers. This readily understood software offers a code-free solution to creating voice applications that are easy to update with relevant information for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant and more outlets in the future. We can work with you to create a voice application that reflects the mission of your brand, and we utilize our Search Engine Optimization strategies to increase the number of people using your application. Voxion also offers clients ground-up development of voice applications with custom features. Whether your app is made through our software or built alongside our team, Voxion handles publishing your application to get it live as soon as possible.

Matchbox Design Group and Voxion

Matchbox Design Group is excited to be partnering with Voxion to bring their clients to the forefront of marketing through the power of voice technology.

Brent Feldman, Managing Partner at Matchbox Design Group:

Voxion has created a unique and useful product to make launching a voice app easily within reach. Whether it’s just simple engaging content or next level voice-powered functionality we’ve truly had a new door of creativity opened for us. 

Matthew Gillen, CEO at Voxion LLC:

Apps for voice platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant give users a way to receive information faster than browser searches, increase the accessibility of brands’ services, and offer brands a new way to interact with consumers. Voxion is happy to be partnering with Matchbox Design Group to bring their clients cutting edge voice technology and marketing techniques.

Voxion connects businesses to their consumers using the power of voice technology.

We specialize in creating effortless development and content management of branded voice applications for Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices, voice Search Engine Optimization, and Voice Search. Voxion is helping agencies learn about the versatility of voice and working with clients to expand their brand and enhance consumer relationships.

Contact Matchbox Design Group Today!

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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