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There’s no going around it — if you want a worthwhile online presence, you need good SEO. You should be paying more attention to mobile SEO and here’s why.

To do SEO properly, it’s a necessity to keep tabs on the latest trends in people’s online behavior — the words they’re searching for, the kind of content they want, where they might come across your services, etc. Think of it like navigating a river — would you want to do it without knowing its twists and turns? Probably not.

But even if you did, there’s one rising tide that simply cannot be ignored — the ever-increasing number of people accessing the World Wide Web through smartphones and tablets.

Internet Users No Longer Means Someone Sitting Behind A Desktop

A girl on her phone showing Internet users no longer means someone sitting behind a desktop

When you read the phrase “internet user”, what comes to mind? More likely than not, it conjures up an image of someone sitting at his desk browsing the internet on their computer or maybe a laptop.

The truth is that this picture is becoming less and less representative of reality. Mobile users now account for over half of website traffic, reaching over 63% in 2018. To put it more dramatically, well over half of all internet users don’t use a computer to access the internet, and this trend shows no signs of stopping as of yet.

It’s also important to know that the vast majority of searches on mobile devices are done through Google, with only 4% of them being performed on smaller search engines like Bing and Yahoo.

Higher Bounce Rate On Mobile Devices

Here’s Why You Should Be Paying More Attention to Mobile SEO brought to you by Matchbox Design Group

While more people visit sites on mobile devices, these same people also have a higher bounce rate.

One of the key reasons for this is the fact that, on average, these users wait less for a site to load. In fact, the typical mobile user will leave a page that fails to load within three seconds. Mobile-hostile websites drive away many of them too, as navigating those can be a nightmare.

The solution is to design a responsive website that creates a positive user experience for this demographic. Creating scalable text and images, buttons large enough to click with your fingers, and placing key content at the top of each page goes a long way to reaching that goal.

Mobile Users Also Improve Local SEO

A woman at her small business helps show that mobile users also improve local SEO

Businesses will enjoy even greater improvements from local SEO since it increases both visits and sales. So if you still haven’t set up your local SEO, you best do it as soon as you can to reap the benefits. We won’t go into details here on how to do that, but Google My Business optimization is a step in the right direction.

Given how crucial it is to reach out to mobile smart device users, you need to come up with strategies to rank higher on mobile searches. Otherwise, you risk missing out on a significantly large demographic. Unless you think that over half of the internet’s population isn’t all that important, which is highly doubtful.

Mobile SEO, as relevant as it may be, is but a single aspect of SEO. As we mentioned above, you must stay abreast on all current trends if you wish to navigate its waters effectively. Again you should be paying more attention to mobile SEO in order to increase your overall SEO.

Serpwatch has a wonderful infographic on the most important SEO trends, and it is well worth the read.

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Categories:  St. Louis SEO

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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