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Mobile device users have surpassed the 7.1 billion mark and are increasing with lightning speed. Just when we see that the number of mobile apps has reached the millions on both Android and Apple application stores. Google Play Store has more than 3.4 million apps, whereas Apple’s App Store comes second with 2.2 million active applications. Let’s talk about how to optimize your mobile apps.

Despite millions of applications developed and available for users to benefit from, not all apps scored massive download rates in the market. The lack of marketing tactics and inadequacy in using the proper optimization metrics result drastically for tens of thousands of apps that people aren’t aware of their existence.

And then there are hundreds of thousands of apps that become instant success and addiction for people. This all happens because of the right optimization that mobile app developers are using to rank their apps better in-app search results. 

8 Tips To Optimize Your Mobile App

Mobile app sketched. 8 Tips To Optimize Your Mobile App.

Mobile app usage has increased stupendously, and users are spending most of their time on mobile apps. The fascinating factor that certainly makes it significant for you to optimize your mobile app is the new app upload on Apple’s App Store is around 60,000, whereas the Google Play Store sees around 50Knew app uploads. This indicates that optimizing your app is a primary factor before expecting your app to perform well. 

So, if you’re wondering about the best practice to market your app appropriately, you must consider following the top-class optimization processes that are mentioned below. 

1. Keyword Placement 

Focusing on a keyword placement strategy highlights the importance of following a holistic approach to add keywords that help you rank better. Here, the optimization experts will find the potential keywords that will rank incredibly great in app stores to improve your ranking. 

Here a factor to consider is not guessing what keywords people will find but relying on those actually popping up in the search results. This will let your app get top in the search results whenever a user is searching and putting-in intents.  

Forgoing above and beyond with your keyword placement strategy, you can use Ahrefs and Google Adwords Keyword Planner that are top-notch platforms for finding the best keywords for your business. 

2. Optimizing Application’s Name

A lot of businesses are developing a mobile app for their digital business name their app without optimizing the keyword in it. This results drastically for them as their app never gets popped up in the searches whenever a user enters an intent. However, fear not, as I bring the perfect solution for you. Do you know that you can always change your app’s name? Yes, you’ve heard that right – you can! 

In order to be more discoverable on app search results, the best way is to scale is by keeping your app’s name optimized with the keyword to get recognizable in the app. 

3. App’s Description Matters 

Your app’s description plays a pivotal role in its ranking. This is a part where all the action of keyword and optimization happens from adding keywords to demonstrating your content skills and reflecting the brand’s goal and vision to potential users. 

Here, a lot of users don’t really focus on user-centric content but rather on search-centric content. However, the best way is to focus on both rankings better and target search scrawlers and the readers. A pro tip here is to integrate keywords in the best possible way to rank better in search results. 

4. Wisely Choose Categories

Another great way to optimize your app is by following the appropriate selection of categories for your app. If you genuinely want to reach your target audience, selecting the appropriate category and integrating other optimization metrics is a perfect way to execute it. Furthermore, the selection of the right category will also let you rank on the top spot when users search in the relevant category.  

Developing mobile application.

Often, the development teams add several sub-categories that lead to improper findings and inadequacy in search results. For example, if your app provides a practical guide to people for finding their potential prospects, the right category would be consulting services, etc. 

5. Genuine Reviews & Testimonials 

Clients’ reviews and testimonials are other great factors to consider when thinking of perfect optimizing your mobile app to result better in stores. This is something that you don’t control, but working for it will give you a cutting-edge advantage. So, harnessing clients’ reviews and testimonials regarding your business and its services will give you an elevated edge to target your desired audience. 

These reviews and testimonials will also enable you with the areas that you need to work and improve on. All the negative reviews will further result in your app’s better performance.  

6. Harness The Potency Of Social Media & Paid Campaigns 

The potency of social media is beyond our mere imaginations. It offers incredible features and accessibilities to promote your business of any type – even if it’s a mobile application. By utilizing social media platforms, you can increase your massive reach and turn a plethora of benefits regarding ranking and downloads. 

Furthermore, the use of paid ads campaign is another value-added benefit that you can implement for your app’s success. using social media paid marketing or Google for paid advertisement will give you an incredible edge in turning massive users for your app. Here, you can use the following ways to leverage it.

  • Add a banner or link to the company website and run paid ad campaign over it. 
  • Use different mobile sites and add paid ads pop-ups to incentivize your benefit. 
  • Another way is by using social media paid ads campaigns to take excellent benefits from these platforms with massive outreach. 
  • What’s more, the use of paid email marketing can be avail to take benefits from it. 

These organic social media marketing and paid ads campaign factors will give you the incredible edge to take matters to a whole new level and benefit from it. 

7. Pixel-Perfect Visuals Are Excellent 

Visual and graphics of an app or even a website are one of a great many factors that result in tons of downloads. The first thing any potential user will view regarding your app is the appealing work that you have done on your app’s visuals and graphics. 

From creating alluring icons to background visuals and graphics in the interface, the use of colors, patterns, and contrast will certainly be uplifting factors for your app’s more downloads. Here, the pro tip is to add screenshots of your app’s functionality and interface that will eventually turn out to be game-changing factors for your app’s success. 

Developing mobile application.

8. Mobile App Performance Testing  

There are a number of factors involved in smartphone app optimization that integrates to make your developed app a complete success. The first factor to consider here is focusing on mobile app performance testing. The focus must be on assessing your app’s performance on multiple devices, services, networks, and APIs, etc. This is a primary factor to consider before even launching your app. if the app’s performance meets your expected results, you’re good to go with the launch. However, if the performance lacks or highlights any glitches, it certainly requires your attention. 

Wrapping It Up!

The success factor of your app and its ranking largely depends on several elements. Here, quality, likeability, user-friendliness, and usefulness are some of the largely integrating factors that result in your app’s success. Here, I have accumulated 8 tips that would change your app’s ranking game in 2023 if you adopt and implement them promptly. 

Author Bio

Aamir Akhter is a professional digital content producer at Sixlogs Technologies who possess an incredible flair for writing on technology, digital marketing, CRM consultations, etc. He has been writing for more than 5-years, and his write-ups reflect his true disposition for writing, researching, and learning about new things. Moreover, he listens to podcast, watches football, read fictional novels, and learns motion graphics in his free time. 

Categories:  Internet Marketing

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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