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Email marketing can sometimes seem to be a hit-and-miss affair. If your campaigns seem more hit than miss though, you might feel that email marketing is best left out completely. Before you write it off for good, try this one simple trick to boost your email marketing campaign.

Segmenting Your Subscriber List

Before you hit the send button on any new campaign, set aside a few hours to segment your subscriber list. The goal is to find clients that have similar needs or profiles and group them together. It’s a bit of a pain in the butt for sure, and it will take some careful planning.

Do it anyway – this one step could boost open rates of as much as 39% and increase revenue by 24%. That’s what the team at 99Firms found out while researching the topic.

It came up with some other awesome hacks for you as well, so be sure to check out the infographic here for the rest of those. But let’s get back to our main topic – segmenting your subscriber list.

Why Segment Your Email List When Doing Digital Marketing?

The Simplest Way to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaign Success Rates

Do a quick experiment. Choose 10 customers at random. Select clients that you know well. Are they all the same? Of course not, each person will have different needs and different goals. Each client will have a different buyers persona. You’ll know that the way to sell to Sally the soccer mom is to convince her that the product will be good for her kids.

Andrew the up and coming single exec, on the other hand, might be more interested in the prestige the product brings him. Analyze your ten different clients and you’ll see subtle differences in the way that you deal with them.

Maybe you joke around with Andrew about his string of girlfriends. Maybe with Sally, you’re sure to ask about how her kids are. You’ll deal with them differently because they are individuals who are at different stages of their life and different stages of the buying cycle.

Why Send Them the Same Email?

Why Send Them the Same Email To Your Email List

Now, if you deal with them differently when you see them in person, why would you send them the same marketing email? It really doesn’t make sense, does it? How can you create an effective generic marketing email that will appeal to both Andrew and Sally?

Say, for example, that you’re selling a new organic type of fruit juice. Is Andrew going to care that it is great for kids? If you fire off an email using that as a selling point, it’s not going to be relevant for him.

So, say you change it up a little and play up that it’s great as a party mix. Now, we’re not saying that Sally’s partying days are over, but it’s unlikely that she’ll be getting drunk every weekend with small kids in the house.

You Risk Irritating Your Audience

Worse still, when Sally gets the email telling her about the great party mix, she’s going to think that you don’t really understand her. If she gets more emails that are not relevant to her needs, she’s going to start getting irritated.

At best, she’ll ignore future emails. At worst, she’ll unsubscribe and take her business elsewhere. Neither option is going to do your campaign any good. Stop wasting time on campaigns that end up irritating people you are trying to sell to.

Opt for a more targeted approach and watch your conversion rates soar.

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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