What Is Python?
Python is an object-oriented, general-purpose, and high-level programming language that contains an easy-to-learn syntax for high readability. It is sometimes also referred to as a ‘battery included’ language because of its rich storehouse of frameworks and libraries that help achieve multiple objectives. It is a cross-platform language that ensures developers can run it on Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms. Today we are going to talk about how to become a python developer.
Python is significantly different from other programming languages as it uses new lines to execute commands instead of the traditional semicolon or parentheses. Also, it uses whitespace to define functions, loops, and classes rather than the curly brackets used in other languages.
What Are The Benefits Offered By The Python Language?

Using the Python programming language offers several benefits:
- High Readability And Cross-Platform Compatibility – The Python programming language is quite similar to the English language. The dynamically typed codes are easy to understand and faster to develop. Moreover, as highlighted earlier, it is compatible with major platforms like Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.
- Versatile And Well-Structured – Its diverse applications in the field of data science, web development, scripting, and more make Python a versatile programming language. Also, it is well-structured that makes it easy for users to learn and apply.
- A Powerhouse Of Libraries – With the Python programming language, developers can find a library for anything, from game development to web development, machine learning, and much more.
- Open-Source Framework – Another great benefit of Python is it’s an open-source language. It means anybody can download Python for free and start writing codes immediately, provided they first learn how to. Moreover, users can access several forums with experts who regularly contribute to making the language more flexible, easy to understand and learn, and more effective.
- Quicker Prototyping – The Python programming language speeds up prototyping because it runs on an interpreter system. The interpreter system allows developers to execute codes as soon as they finish writing them.
Why Should You Become A Python Developer?
Organizations are increasingly using the Python programming language to realize a host of objectives. Companies today are using the language in multiple ways to execute a vast range of front and back-end processes across web development, machine learning, and various other disciplines.
The Python language is a jack-of-all-trades. It means that it provides a developer with the flexibility to broaden the horizon of competencies needed to execute a project with minimum effort. For example, if a developer needs to manage the web front of a project, he/she only needs to learn a new framework instead of a whole new programming language.
As highlighted earlier, Python is the primary programming language behind machine learning. Machine learning is a dynamic technology and holds great promise for the future. Almost 80% of customer interactions will be executed by machines in the following 2-3 years, and more than 75 countries worldwide have already started utilizing AI technology for surveillance activities.
All these reasons and more have increased the demand for Python developers. The need is not going to die down soon, which means organizations would be willing to pay Python developers a handsome remuneration package.
For businesses looking to expand their teams, it’s essential to hire Python developers with the right skillset and experience to meet project demands efficiently.”
How To Become A Python Developer?
Python is easy to learn. It has a user-friendly interface like WordPress, an intuitive coding style, and various benefits that make it popular among developers and users. Another reason why Python is easy to learn is its free-of-cost accessibility on different online platforms. Moreover, being openly accessible means, anyone can update and add new features to the already popular programming language. We present ten simple tips on how to become a Python developer. Let us start.
1 – Create A Roadmap On What To Learn In Python
It is crucial first to decide what you want to learn in Python. Following are some of the essentials that you should learn before becoming a skilled Python developer.
- Learn about the basics of Python. Basics include its history, syntax, installation, and fundamental constructs like variables, statements, and operators.
- Understand the applications of Python.
- Gain an understanding of data structures like sets, lists, dictionaries, and concepts like loops and functions.
- Learn how to generate and use regular expressions and random numbers.
- Learn intermediary-level concepts such as exception handling, inheritance, iterators, generators, and commands.
- Master complex topics like multithreading, decorators, context managers, networking, multiprocessing, and XML processing.
- Learn how to debug, log, unit-test, serialize, and access the database.
2 – Learn To Use ORM Libraries And Front-End Technologies
ORM is short for Object Relational Mapping. It is a method used to extract and manipulate data from a database using an object-oriented model. Learning how to use ORM libraries is faster than writing SQL queries.
Moreover, as a Python developer may need to work with front-end teams, it is essential to understand front-end technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS3, etc.
3 – Build Your Own GitHub Repository
A GitHub repository lets you work in close collaboration with others working on Python projects anywhere. It also doubles up as your resume if you are applying for a Python developer position. Adding your Python projects to the GitHub repository ensures recruiters can access your skills instead of sending you samples to work.

4 – Write Easy-To-Read Codes
Ensure that you write codes that are easy to read and understand. It is essential because it helps employers and other users to understand what you have done. If they are not able to understand what it is that you want to achieve, it could very well count against you. Ensure that you take care of the following in a positive way.
- Indentation
- Tabs and spaces
- Maximum line length
- Line breaks
- Blank lines
- Source file encoding
- String quotes
- White spaces in expressions
- Trailing commas
- Naming conventions
5 – Proper Documentation
It helps to improve your code’s readability if you properly document the process. Your Readme file on the GitHub database should contain all information relating to your project, such as the objective of your project, the libraries used, and so on.
6 – Read Codes Written By Others
There are many people on GitHub who have unique and organized styles of coding. One of the most effective methods to develop your coding style is to learn from other Python developers. Look at other codes that are similar to your skill level to get an idea of what different styles are out there.
7 – Get Python Coding Literature
As they say, the process of learning is never-ending. Even if you are an expert Python developer, there is always something new that you need to learn. There is plenty of literature around Python coding. The more you know, the better it is.
Learn And Grow Your Python Skills
A great way to learn the art and science of Python programming is to grow your Python skillset. You should understand the importance of learning how all libraries work and master as many of them as you can. Create projects based on your learning and add them to the GitHub repository. It helps you add to your storehouse of information on the GitHub repository and stay updated with the new updates.
8 – AI And Machine Learning

It is not enough to learn the Python programming language. You also need to practice it. After all, haven’t you heard, practice makes a man perfect? As highlighted earlier, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the two most crucial fields that use Python programming. As such, you must master the art of developing codes and implement them across these disciplines. Also, make sure that you list these skills on the GitHub repository to help employers decipher your importance as a Python developer.
9 – Do Not Let Go Of Opportunities
As highlighted earlier, writing Python codes and developing projects is not enough to guarantee success as a Python developer. You also need to work on commercial projects to help organizations realize the value you can add as a Python developer. Ensure that you do not let go of opportunities, even if they are freelance projects involving little or no payment. And yes, one final word, ensure that you add all such projects to your GitHub repository. Believe us; it will help you succeed in the long run.
As stated earlier, the process of learning the Python programming language is not complicated. The high demand for skilled Python developers is one phenomenon that no one expects to subside for times to come. It should serve as enough motivation for you to take up the skill and master it.
Author Bio.: Ravi Kumar is currently working as a co-founder and head editor at XplorMedia and WHRX. I started my journey as a digital marketer at the age of 17. Now, I am a full-time entrepreneur and writer. Please connect with me on LinkedIn.