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Connectivity is key if you want your business to be successful, especially in the digital age with so many remote workers. You need to be sure your employees can stay in contact with your customer base, of course. But you also must be certain your team can stay connected with one another.  Here are ways to help your business stay connected.

1. Accurately Assess Your Situation

You will not be able to pin-point your shortfalls and maximize productivity without an accurate assessment. Take time now to dig deep and to get to the heart of your needs. Be sure to ask your employees for their ideas, and you also should reach out to your loyal customers and vendors. Try to get a pulse from as many different people as possible.

Ask your supervisors to help you gather input. You also should look into adding a suggestion box to your break room(s) and common areas or an online option for your remote workers. This could be helpful for those on your team who get nervous about opening up to their leads. Be sure to create a box and/or an online contact method your customers can utilize, too. To help ensure you have at least one follow up conversation to online submissions, you can reply with an automatic general response.

2. Maximize The Abilities Of Your Technologies

Maximize The Abilities Of Your Technologies

There are many technologies your business uses, and you need to be sure your network is strong. Without reliable information technology (IT) infrastructure, your company won’t be able to stay connected. Your business will not be successful. Be certain to pay attention to the IT needs of your staff and members of the public, too, who are trying to access your services.

Even if you have a tech department, outside IT consultants could be great for your business. They can assist you with one-off needs and ongoing managed services. You will be better equipped with the right tech bandwidth and further ensure optimization of your tech products. You also might want to consider a commercial cell phone booster for your team’s mobile work phones.

3. Open Your Workspaces Up And Use Zoom For Remote Workers

Your team might not be operating in tip-top shape if you have staff who are often segmented from other colleagues, including any team members in private offices. If you have this kind of office setup, you could consider opening your office space up. This might help your staff stay connected with one another. Each of you could be more in the know about the needs of your customers, too.

There are perfect shared workspace desks you can find without draining your company’s finances. Just be sure you work this idea over with your team. You also will have to possibly rework wiring and make other changes that require outside professional assistance.

4. Focus On Coaching Opportunities

Focus On Coaching Opportunities To Help Your Business Stay Connected

If you do not have a work environment where a coaching platform is stressed, you will not be able to ensure your business is externally and internally connected. You need to be sure your staff is using their tech products the right way and taking care of them. It’s also imperative your team is reminded about the proper ways to document and file their work, and don’t ever forget how important communication is for your company.

Strong communications are an essential component of any successful business. Make sure your team exemplifies stellar customer service when working with customers and the general public. Be certain they follow communication protocols when handling internal matters, too. When you fail to have a culture of coaching, your team might forget the keys to successful communications.

5. Don’t Forget To Think About Networking

You need an overall aggressive and strategic marketing plan to stay connected. But when you look at marketing, you should be certain to specifically think about any word of mouth opportunities. Word of mouth networking is still your most effective marketing strategy.

Sure, you can stay in touch with the public through social media. Ads, emails, mailers, and phone calls can help you, too. But always be on the lookout for ways you and your team can network with others through community events.

Five Easy Steps You Can Take

Each of the tips above is an easy step you can take to help your business stay connected. It doesn’t matter how big your business is or its industry, the five tips presented above will help you.

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Categories:  Digital Marketing

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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