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Shopping sprees are the biggest around the holidays, and this year’s holiday season is almost here. It is therefore crucial that you be ready for it, and that you prepare your website to the best that you can if you are looking into being able to tap the high demand at this time. Usually, during this time of the year, most of the companies try to do things on their own which is a very challenging work due to the other aspects of the holiday season and which we learnt after comparing both Godaddy and Hostgator showed us this.

There are many aspects of your website that you should boost for the holidays through web development. The following are five of the most important tips that you should follow for you to make it big this holiday season:

Tip # 1 Optimize For Mobile Devices

This year, the biggest change in search engine optimization is how mobile sites are prioritized over desktop versions. It is in recognition of the fact that more and more traffic is coming from handheld devices as compared to desktops.

With that in mind, you all should gear your SEO-related initiatives into ensuring that mobile users will have a high-quality search experience comparable to what they would get if they were to use computers.

In that light, you must optimize your website for the holiday season. You will need to make sure that all of your web’s elements are able to adapt to different devices so that the experience is consistently great. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by adopting a responsive web design wherein your site automatically adjusts to the specifications of the screen of the device where they view your site. This way, you would not need to create and to maintain multiple versions of your site.

Here are tips to get your website ready for the holidays.

Tip # 2: Schedule Your Content

You should come up with holiday-related content to generate traffic and sales this holiday season. It is very important that you consider scheduling your content which means two things.

  1. You should ensure that you plan what kind of content you’ll be releasing. You should lay out all your ideas and decide which ideas can generate the most traffic, and which could win sales.
  2. Another is that since it’s the holiday, you’ll expect that you would not be around all of the time. A lot of sites have the functionality to post your content on a future date and time. So once you have selected the topic and you have identified the best date to publish it, you can schedule it so that you won’t need to do it on the said date, which is especially helpful if you will be on a holiday break. Timing is key, and there are ways for you to be able to utilize that without compromising your personal life.
5 Tips to Prepare your Website for the Holiday Season Shopping Spree

Tip # 3: Offer A Support System

This holiday season, there are bound to be a huge number of inquiries and issues that you will need to deal with. This is when it’s crucial that you have a support system in place. It will not only allow you to win a lot of sales but would also help you retain your customers who may have important concerns that would affect your relationship if you take them for granted.

Big players can set up dedicated customers service facilities that can run 24/7. But for smaller businesses, this may not be attainable. What you can do instead is try other tools such as chatbots who can take your place for basic support functions, and then for bigger ones, you can handle them yourself.

The key is to ensure that it is visible that you have a support system for your customers because otherwise, they would think that you are not as concerned with them as other businesses are, and that may be your downfall. So give it its deserved attention.

One tip you must not forget to holiday proof your website is to make sure you have plenty of customer support

Tip # 4: Secure Your Website

With all the money going around over the holidays, cybercrooks abound. It is therefore vital that you fortify your defenses to ensure that you and your customers are free from harm.

It is necessary that you have a dependable antimalware system in place, and that you can secure your connection with your customers, especially during payment One of the best ways to achieve this is by using Secure Sockets Layer which encrypt the connection between you and your customers, disabling others from peaking in. Also, ensure that you follow the best practices in website security to safeguard your customers and your business further. You would not want to experience firsthand what you’ll lose when a breach occurs – not only revenues but also the trust of your customers. You may end up losing your entire business if you fail to secure your site properly.

Good security for your website is good all year round, not just for the holidays

Tip # 5: Make Your Site Festive

Finally, ensure that you dress up your site for the celebration and make it festive. The holidays are all about the spirit of joy and giving so see to it that your site embodies these traits.

When you do that, your customers will feel that it is the holidays, which subconsciously leads them to purchase a lot more than during regular days. So make sure that you implement some seasonal design into your sites such as with your backgrounds, icons, and buttons.

Other ways to make your site festive is by offering holiday promotions that can invite your customers to complete their purchase.

A festive website leads to holiday sales

Final Thoughts

There’s a lot of sales potential during the holidays so you would have to do your part in preparing for it. More than anything, your site needs to be ready for the huge traffic, and how you can transform that traffic into actual customers.

Above are the five of the most important areas of your website that you should ready for the holidays that you should follow them, and your site would be more than prepared. If these are in place, the potential for you to exceed your holiday sales target will increase dramatically. So prepare your site now, and let the shopping sprees come in!

Follow these 5 Tips to Prepare your Website for the Holiday Season.

A Brief Synopsis Of This Blog Post – Prepare Your Site For The Holidays

Author Bio:

Kenneth Sytian is a web developer in the Philippines and the CEO of Sytian Productions. He has been designing websites and developing web apps for more than a decade. He is considered one of the top influencers in web design and development in the Philippines.

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About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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