Do you want to be the next Jon Morrow, running successful blogs and being featured in the Forbes? Then we have some tools to help you become a better writer.
Let me share with you the secret!
Some people say that creativity is a gifted talent. There is no denying the fact, some writers are good at jotting down ideas while others grapple with their shoddy style.
Having said that, No one is born with a prolific pen in his hand. You just have to put down enough effort in your writing to be a better content writer.
Good practice bonded with the use of the right tools can guarantee you a promising content writing career.
If you are willing to be a better content writer, then read this article, as I am going to put the creative content writing tools for you.
What Is Written Content?
By content, if you mean the stories you read when you were a child or the prose you were taught in your school. Then you are wrong here.
Written content is actually the text intended to generate traffic on your website or blog. Content writers write blog posts, social media posts, product reviews, descriptions, and much more.
It is meant to improve their business by ranking better on Google and by getting more customers. Thus, we can say that the content published on the web is actually promotional and acts as a marketing tool.
Why It Is Necessary To Write Good Quality Content?
If you are writing the content for any other reason except marketing your business, then you are missing the whole intent of the online business.
The most precise goal of any content is promoting your products and services while focusing on the problems, potential buyers can face.
Now it is necessary to write better content than other content writers because it helps to get more readers and eventually more customers.
Moreover, you have to focus the SEO guidelines, as better content is bound to achieve a good ranking on Google.
If you want to increase your ranking on the top search engine result page then you should try to make your content better.
Thus top-notch content loved by your readers and ranked by Google acts as the steering wheel to expand your business venture.
What Are The Essentials Of Creative Content?
Reading original content is like sailing through a calm stream effortlessly. There isn’t any break and bumps that cause friction.
If you read top-ranked blogs, you may find some essentials that separate them from run-of-the-mill content.
Tweaking your content by adding these key points increases your blog’s quality gives it a professional look.
First, top-notch content is well researched as it contains unique insights. Second, it does not contain any grammatical errors and is easy to understand.
It is SEO-friendly content, so it ranks easily. Moreover, it is well-intended because it contains the key solutions to the reader’s problems. Hence, it is interesting in nature.
What Are Some Tools That Help You Write Better?
There is no royal road to prolific writing. It is a hard nut to crack. Thus, it takes time and struggles to get certain magic in your expression.
However, there is another way to avail of this luxury. You can use online tools specially developed for better writing.
*Note that this is a guest post and Matchbox does not use or specifically suggest these tools. They are simply one author’s way of doing things*
A paraphraser is an innovation of today. It takes up someone’s content written on a topic and changes its syntax and words by replacing new similar words. This whole process gives a unique piece of content.

Most importantly, this tool is free of cost, so you do not bother signing up for its use. Moreover, it is secure and safe even nowadays when the internet is replete with hackers.
Every now and then bloggers and writers seek to perpetuate their creativity but in vain. Naturally, they can’t prolong uniqueness in their content.
Actually sometimes, they face writer’s block if they have to create some type of content. Moreover, they have to cope with the impending deadlines so they need to complete their writeups by hook or by crook.
Willy-nilly they produce low-quality content as they have reached their burnt-out. The scarcity of words for a writer is as suffocating as the scarcity of water for a fish.
So, this tool helps them to get the lost words and to create unique content out of the already written text.
As its name suggests, this online tool works to rewrite an existing article with a different touch. This tool works by substituting synonyms in place of common words.

This article rewriter is free to use and gives 100 unique content. Moreover, it provides fast results in a blink of an eye.
Moreover, it spins the whole article to change its sentence structure to get a uniquely written article. Mian purpose of this spinner is to repurpose an article and to enliven a worn-out text in a new way.
Most of the time, bloggers have to repurpose their published content to get a higher ranking because such content gets indexed again by Google and re-evaluation.
Moreover, sometimes, content writers have to produce bulk content in a small amount of time. Thus, to maintain their creativity, they prefer this article rewritten.
*Note that this is a guest post and Matchbox does not use or specifically suggest these tools. They are simply one author’s way of doing things*
Hemingway Editor
Every content writer needs an editor that helps him to edit his content by working as a writing assistant. This editing tool is the best editing tool to create wonderful creative content.

Speed writing is prone to grammatical mistakes. While writing, you neglect to edit your content side by side because it decreases your speed and prevents you to end up in time.
Editing your content after writing is again a hectic task because you have to read every bit of your content.
Therefore, you must use this editor that underlines your mistakes with different colors. In addition, it is free to use and houses a word count in it.
After correcting the mistakes you can get a readability score to gauge your content rating.
Final Words:
There is no hard and fast rule to write content creatively. However, there are some tools to help you become a better writer.