At Matchbox Design Group, a St. Louis based full service marketing company, we’ve been developing custom WordPress plugins and themes for several years. Our goal is to give our clients a highly customized experience that meets their needs. To do this we have developed several in-house plugins to make our lives a little easier. Today we decided to make one of those available to the public, known as Launch Check.
Meet the Launch Check plugin. It’s a simple WordPress plugin that provides a series of alerts to safeguard the launch of your site. It will verify that you have changed the default tagline for your site, made it visible to the public and added your Google Analytics tracking snippet. If you haven’t, you will get a nice little alert to make sure you don’t miss it.
Launch Check is pretty straight forward. No fancy bells and whistles. It’s just here to make your life a little easier.
Head over to WordPress and download Launch Check today!