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In order to secure a sustainable competitive advantage, organizations need to seek out ways to increase efficiency and successful execution of business processes. A key step to bringing value to your organization is process optimization. It can help you achieve the many goals you set for your organization, especially with workflow management. If you want to ensure your processes are working as efficiently as possible, take a look at the best optimization strategies using workflow management.

How Can Workflow Optimization Benefit You?

How Can Workflow Optimization Benefit You. Coworkers working on process.

A good workflow unifies information systems to help complete tasks which aid in aligning and organizing process optimization and execution. After your workflow is optimized, employees can manage process execution better and gain more visibility through streamlined reporting features. Through this, you can potentially reduce your operating costs, complete work more efficiently, and even add new elements to your current workflow. Optimizing your workflow can create a ripple effect and get other work done in less time and money, gaining an advantage over your competition.

  • Process Efficiency – Enhanced task completion rates.
  • Task Automation – Save time on coordination efforts.
  • Visibility – Heightened productivity transparency.
  • Teamwork(flow) – Clear communication and project assignments of tasks and responsibilities.
  • Reduced Risk – Guidelines help to minimize human error and other risks.

Optimization Steps

1. Identify

After figuring out which business process needs a reinvention, the first step to optimization is identifying all of the main components that are fundamental and unalterable aspects of the process. Ask yourself these questions to help you identify these key components:

  • What departments and employees are involved in the process?
  • When does the process begin and end?
  • What is the desired outcome of the process?
  • What kind of information is being sought out and transferred?
  • What kind of activities moves the process along?

Workflow optimization can take a number of different forms like reducing operating costs, adding new functions, or completing your work more efficiently. Take the process you want to optimize and think about how the workflow can be reimagined.

2. Rework

After analyzing the processes you want to develop, it is time to look at how to rework the workflow for stronger optimization. Here are a few different strategies to optimize your workflow:

  • Streamlining Purchase Requests: This standard process can be optimized in many ways. Manually entering data can create different kinds of human error and impact your organization by delaying the process. To reduce error and make the process faster, linking the ordering form to your master data can streamline the process by syncing the necessary information and preventing unwanted orders from going through.
  • Tool Integration: Many companies use different tools to streamline their processes, but oftentimes, these tools are not integrated with the rest of the company and can actually burden the process instead of optimizing it. When employees can’t access valuable information to complete their work, optimization will never happen. By using a content management tool like M-Files, you can help users organize, manage and track documents and information, streamlining business processes and optimizing workflow while keeping information controlled and secure.
  • Using Notifications: A small change you can make to your business processes is interchanging notifications for approvals. Approvals can slow down the process, especially if you need to get approvals from multiple departments and employees. By using notifications instead of approvals where it is appropriate, you can keep everyone informed without holding the process up. This way, people can still add their opinions if need be but the process doesn’t need to be held up for one approval.
  • Standardize: Many companies use a wide range of steps and processes for different scenarios and departments. Instead of making the processes different for each unique situation, try implementing tasks that are standardized workflow to workflow. By analyzing your current workflow, you will notice that only certain tasks are deemed necessary in particular situations, so in most cases, you can bypass those steps when they aren’t really needed. You can also generate conditional branches of your workflow if processes differ from each other and require additional steps.

Process optimization.

With these strategies, you can easily implement an optimized and more efficient workflow. Automation is the answer to all your issues, like slowdowns and bottlenecks that occur from manual processes. There is no one way to optimize your workflow. Keep repeating the steps for each process that you think can be done in a better style and soon you will have a strong, efficient, and optimized workflow.

3. Automate

Business process automation works to automate time-consuming manual tasks by using software technologies. By doing this, you can free up your valuable human resources and dedicate them to jobs that are in need of a stronger level of human engagement.

By automating, you can make the best use of your workforce, equipment, and time Optimization is an integral aspect of strong business processes. By automating repetitive tasks, you can get things done in a shorter span of time and avoid human error.

Business process automation also allows more man-hours to be available to you which means that your company can have the same or greater level of output after reducing the human workforce. This gives you the opportunity to focus on quality over quantity in your employees and reduce the overall cost of business operations.

An optimized workflow flows from one step to another and gives your employees a big transparent picture to allow them to work more efficiently with confidence.

Automation is a one-of-a-kind strategy that gives organizations like yours an edge when it comes to capability and optimization and improves your productivity, services, and security with minimal effort.

Implement An Efficient Workflow

Following these steps, you can take your business to the next level. Optimizing your workflow doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can be easy if you make a couple of adjustments. These strategies, like standardizing your processes, integrating efficient business tools, and automating, can help your business become more efficient and accurate. That efficiency translates to happier customers, faster results, and more profits – what’s better than that?

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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