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Every business encounters problems. Whether yours tend to fall in the category of customer service, operational efficiency, or cybersecurity, you’re not alone. Fortunately, as technology continues to advance so too does the opportunity for addressing pain points through technology. Today we are going to discuss adopting technology to address business pain points.

You can adopt technology to help solve pervasive business problems of just about any kind. Start by evaluating these common pain points, then explore the role of tech in implementing solutions. 

By adopting the latest and greatest business tech, you can take the pain out of running a company. Here’s what you need to know.

Every Business Has Its Pain Points

Coworkers working on business pain points.

Depending on the size, scale, and type of business you run, the challenges you experience will differ. However, no business will be exempt from issues as they scale.

Much like how children experience growing pains as they age, your business will experience pain points in the course of expansion and innovation. Pain points are the issues that affect your customers and internal teams, leading to lost customers and revenues. 

Some of the most common challenges businesses experience include

  • Time and project management
  • Customer service
  • Employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Cash flow
  • Marketing alignment
  • Ability to innovate

The specific issues you face will be more nuanced and less broad, but a majority of business challenges will fall under these categories. There is no escaping it. Operating in a competitive, increasingly-digital economy requires you to consider and address these challenges wherever they threaten your operations. Additionally, incorporating IT procurement can further help identify needs and services to enhance operational efficiency.

The Role Of Technology In Addressing Challenges

Technology plays a key role in addressing pain points. From identification to resolution, devices and software can monitor and evaluate your systems, providing you with plenty of actionable data. 

This is true of just about every issue that pops up in the course of scaling your business. For example, you may be struggling with retaining customers. Since the cost of acquiring new ones can be as much as five times that of retaining them, you need solutions that will mitigate this turnover. That’s where technology comes in.

Marketing technologies provide solutions for both customers and employees. These might take the form of Customer Service Management (CMS) platforms or personalization algorithms that enhance a digital shopping experience. 

Digital engineer working on virtual blueprint building.

The potential of technology to improve business processes stems from the roles it plays across operations.

These roles typically fall under the following categories:

  1. Monitoring and data accumulation
  2. Analysis and intelligence
  3. Automation

Technology gives you greater insight into your systems by monitoring just about anything you could imagine. Devices on the Internet of Things (IoT), for instance, often take the form of sensory equipment that communicates data back to a centralized information system. From here, analytical tools help business intelligence professionals draw out actionable insights from the data.

With a clearer picture of business performance assembled through this data, automation is possible. Artificial Intelligence and deep learning tools model and learn from accumulated information to mimic processes that would otherwise require human intelligence. This allows for the ongoing potential to cut labor costs and smooth operation challenges through machine precision. 

Adopting Technology To Solve Problems

Actually adopting technology to solve problems is a much different task than simply exploring it in the abstract. First, you need to assemble information on available technologies, compare them in the marketplace, and define clear goals for what you want from your tech implementation.

After that, you can address business pain points with the help of the following technologies.

# 1 Using Enterprise AI To Streamline And Automate Tasks

Most prominently, enterprise AI has emerged as a means of automating and streamlining businesses from the ground up. That’s because enterprise AI offers a host of performance benefits made possible by the power of big data. 

For example, an AI-powered information system can automate inventory and supply chain management. This requires IoT-connected devices, sensors, monitors, RFID trackers, and more. From here, the AI has oversight over your enterprise and the means to make automatic adjustments according to your configurations. 

Use enterprise AI tools to streamline your ability to both assess and automate everything from risk management to specific operations. 

#2 Implementing Digital Assistants To Enhance Customer Service

Next, consider the use of evolving Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. This form of AI focuses on processing language as a human would, enabling greater automation even where customer service is concerned. 

For instance, AI-powered writing assistants are improving how businesses manage communication with customers. From automatic proofreading to translation automation, these tools can make scaling your customer outreach simple while retaining quality. 

In addition, these systems can help you support a more inclusive marketing strategy. By automating checks for accessibility and even culturally sensitive language, tech makes it easier to consider all kinds of users all the time. Since inclusive brands are 35% more likely to outperform competitors, this is a means to address growing pains successfully.

People in a world connection technology meeting

#3 Protecting Systems With Cybersecurity Solutions

Finally, don’t overlook your security efforts. With every adoption of new technology, you create additional threats in the form of data vulnerabilities. The more data you collect, the more liable you are to the damages of a data breach. 

However, technology also allows you to minimize these threats. Cybersecurity technologies are trending as must-haves for modern businesses. If you conduct any commerce online, you need the help of firewalls, Secure Socket Layers (SSL), biometric authentication, and access point monitoring to help keep business data safe.

Implement these technologies for a more efficient enterprise.

Smoothing Out Your Business Model

By adopting technologies like these, you can more easily identify and address any pain points that crop up in the course of business. From process automation to security enhancements, the application of modern tools elevates your ability to succeed.

Consider your own pain points, then explore the technologies available to you. With proper planning and evolving tech, you can smooth out these pain points for greater efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. What are you waiting for?

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Categories:  St. Louis Small Business

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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