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Whether you are just starting your business or have already got authority in your niche, blogging can be a great way to promote your product organically and without spending a lot of cash. If you already have a website with decent traffic but low conversions, your site’s design could be the one to blame. In this article, we will lay out the main web design guidelines you must follow to boost your conversion rates and skyrocket your profit. Today we will discuss the top web design errors that will cost you conversions


To drive sales, you must establish a connection with your audience. If your web design does not have an easy-to-find navigation menu, your visitors probably won’t even find your product. You must have a well-structured search bar design and 2 separate menus (header and footer) to make the user experience smooth and let the visitors know where they are on a site now and where they can go to.

Person sketching a web design project on paper to avoid the top web design errors that will cost you conversions.

Finding (or creating) a theme with a smooth-running search and menu bar is one of the most crucial web design rules to make your visitors click on your links and products. 

Color And Style Misuse

Colors and overall style play a huge part in user experience and are one of the key elements of web design and development of the site. Before choosing a web design for your blog, you should define the colors and the overall style you would like to use. Ideally, you need to have 2-3 main colors for your web design – white and black are the most popular, but you can be creative and opt for something exotic like green with purple.

Colors have a huge web design meaning for the user experience, so you should take your time when choosing the style of your blog. Once you have chosen the palette and design, ensure you highlight all the necessary buttons and links to make people want to click on them.

If you have an already well-established business, we recommend you hire a web design professional who will make your site stand out and build a bigger audience. Web design costs can be pretty high, so if you are short on cash, sites like bitcoin casino give you an opportunity to quickly earn some extra cash and avoid unnecessary fees. 

Slow Server Loading Speed

No matter how good your site design looks, your visitors will bounce and lower your rankings if the site takes forever to load the pages. To boost organic rankings as well as your business profit, ensure your web design elements are optimized. One of the easiest ways to speed up the loading process without harming your web design ideas is to optimize the pictures with plugins or enable browser caching.

You can always check out your site’s speed and design performance with Google Insights for free. If your site shows 90+, you are good to go, and your web design does not slow down the loading speed. 

Low-Quality Pictures

Pictures in blog posts are crucial for web design online, but they can mess up with the user experience. You should only post high-quality pictures and control their size so that they would not cover the text or other pictures. Since high-quality pictures are heavy, you should use picture compressing plugins to make them smaller and optimize the user experience without harming your web design.

To drive more sales and establish trust with your visitors, we recommend you take pictures yourself when possible to seem more authentic and genuine. However, sometimes it will not be possible, so you should find a reliable stock place to buy pictures. 

Camera that is not taking low-quality images.
Canon DSLR Stock Photo

Non-Scannable Content

People do not read 100% of your article anymore. On average, users read around 30% of the text during one visit, so you have to make sure your web design ideas make your texts easily scannable. Bold the most important information and provide descriptive headings and subheadings to allow the users to find all the necessary answers right away.

We also recommend having a short paragraph under the first heading that summarizes what the article is about and answers the main question. Bullet points and numbered lists are another great way to divide the text and make the information structure better and improve the overall design. 

No About Us Page

People do not want to buy no-name products. If you have not established a name in the niche, you should start your web design process by creating an About Us page, where you share all the necessary information about yourself – when and why you started your business, why your product is better than your competitors’, and how it can help the potential customers to solve their problem.

Be genuine and add high-quality pictures of yourself as well as design social media buttons to establish trust relationships, and build an audience you can monetize later.

No Footers

If your web design does not provide a footer, you are missing out on a lot of potential sales. People often automatically scroll to the bottom of the page to see the contact details of the business (address, phone number), so you should always specify the most important information in the footer if you want to boost your conversion. We also recommend having a separate menu in the footer web design to make the navigation simple and fast. 

No CTA Buttons

Call-to-action buttons are a fabulous way to drive sales, boost profits, and generate leads. If you only have beginner web design skills and experience, you should outsource CTA button creation to freelancers or web design agency employees and enjoy professional work that will increase sales, boost your revenue and improve the user experience. CTA buttons should be of appropriate size and color to make the visitors want to click on them.

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Wrong Fonts

Each web design theme has its own fonts, but we recommend you stick to plain and neat fonts that make the text easy to read. Do not bold every paragraph and do not write long paragraphs – instead, break down the text so that it is no longer than 6 lines to improve the user experience and conversion rates with your web design principles and ideas. 

Non-Mobile-Friendly Pages

The majority of your potential customers land on your site from a mobile phone rather than a desktop, so it is crucial to have a mobile-friendly web design that loads pages smoothly and fast. To keep track of any errors that your site could have with a mobile version, create a Google Search Console account, and monitor the site’s performance regularly. The text and sales page should look perfect from any screen, be it a computer or a mobile phone. Ensure all pictures are in place and the pages load fast.


Web design plays a huge role in brand promotion. Web design builds the brand trust, improves your site’s loading speed, gives a nice first impression to a new visitor, provides easy navigation and usability, reduces the bounce rate, makes your site and business stand out from the competitors, and, of course, skyrockets your conversions which results in bigger profits.  

Now that you know all the web design errors and how to avoid them to make your conversions awesome, all you need to do is to apply our tips into practice. If web design is not your forte, we recommend you outsource it to web design agency professionals to return your business investments even faster. Have you used any of the tips from our web design ultimate guide? How have they changed your conversion rates? What web design tips do you have to boost conversions? Please, let us know in the comments below. 

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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