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Website traffic is crucial for increasing sales and growing your B2B business online. It’s essential in generating leads and converting them into paying customers. However, the quality of your web traffic and site visits should be good, meaning the people visiting your website are more likely to be interested in your brand.

If you want to grow your business in the digital space, then driving more relevant traffic to your website, which can be organic, paid, direct, referral, or social, is the way to go. This article outlines five tips for increasing traffic to your B2B website.

1. Invest In Search Marketing

Search marketing is a strategy used to gain traffic and online presence in search engines. It heavily relies on keywords, and this tactic gives you more control over your digital marketing efforts. Your B2B business should choose and implement an effective keyword strategy. Search marketing combines paid advertising and unpaid, organic strategies (St. Louis SEO), like content marketing, to drive more traffic to your B2B website.

Increasing B2B website traffic via search marketing requires skills and expertise which you might not have. However, investing in search marketing for B2B companies like Alastair Kane Search Marketing can help drive more relevant and quality visitors to your site.

2. Leverage Advertising

Pay per click (PPC) can help increase traffic to a B2B site

Advertising is an excellent way to increase your business’s online visibility while building your brand and attracting visitors. While organic search is the best way to increase web traffic, paid advertising, including social media ads and PPC, can enable you to connect with a more significant audience and target your ideal customers. There are many tools that can help you create social media ads example an ad maker for your social media ads provides numerous tools and features to streamline the creation process, enabling you to craft compelling visuals and messages tailored to your target audience, thus maximizing your online reach and engagement potential.

Combining organic and paid search can help drive more traffic to your B2B site. Consider taking a multi-channel path to make the most out of advertising traffic. However, your channel choice should be based on your customer’s behavior.

3. Incorporate SEO In Your B2B Marketing Strategy

SEO Manager working on strategy for increasing traffic to B2B website

B2B SEO involves optimizing your business’s website to enhance visibility and get more traffic from search engines. According to statistics, 77% of B2B buyers spend more time researching before making purchase decisions. Incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy can help your brand take advantage of these numbers.

B2B SEO focuses on getting your business in front of the target market in advance to nurture them into qualified leads and later convert them into paying customers. Quality content should be at the center of your SEO strategy to help your B2B customers make purchase decisions while increasing organic web traffic.

You’ll want to use both Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your progress. If you use an agency, make sure that they provide ample reporting based on metrics found in these two platforms.

4. Leverage Social Media

Social media marketing is a way to increase traffic to a B2B website

Social media is one of the most powerful tools to drive more traffic to your B2B website. If you’re looking to increase web traffic via social media, start small by focusing on one or two social channels, tracking your performance, and scaling the one that gains more engagement and dropping the rest. To improve website traffic from social media, engage with your audience regularly, optimize social profiles, share visual content, and make it easy for followers to share your content. By doing this you will not only improve website traffic from social media but also strengthen your overall B2B e-commerce strategy.

5. Consider Guest Posting

Guest posting involves creating top-quality content, often in the form of blog posts, for other sites. When a guest poster offers to write a piece of content for your site, it is often so they can acquire a backlink from the guest post on your site back to their site.

When you post a guest post on your site, it has the benefit of helping you optimize the high-quality content for long tail keywords that you want your own website to rank for.

Guest posting for authority websites with large audience bases automatically increases your brand’s reach to potential customers. When you write a guest post for another site, you are asking them to include a link back to your site. Essentially, this means that you’re asking the other website to be a vote of confidence for you. When users find the blog you wrote on their website, they may end up clicking the link to your website, increasing the number of website visitors you get.

Additionally, when you guest post on another site that includes a backlink to your B2B website, the domain rating (DR) of that site carries over to your site and can help raise your own domain rating. Generally, you’ll want to post on sites that have a higher DR than your website does to help increase your site’s DR.


Boosting your B2B web traffic improves your lead generation and conversion rates. Use these tips to increase traffic to your B2B website.

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Categories:  Digital Marketing / St. Louis SEO

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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