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SEO or Search Engine Optimization (optimization of a site for search engines) – these are the actions that need to be taken to ensure a higher position in the search engine results. This will make it easier for your audience to find you. Basically, but not limited to, SEO includes: adding SEO titles and descriptions to website pages, adding alt text (alternative text in place of images), getting backlinks to the site, blogging, and more. Learn how designers and programmers improve SEO together.

Why Is SEO Important For Business?

Business working desk with tablet showing search engine marketing concept

An indisputable fact: everyone uses search engines! Right now, while you are reading this post, over 60 thousand queries are being processed through Google. Find out the weather or find the nearest pizzeria – we look for information every day. Most of the time, it all comes down to how potential customers are looking for you or a business similar to yours.

This means that site search engine optimization is a key condition for survival and success on the web. It’s like the same tree in the forest: if your site is published on the web, but no one can find it, does it even exist? Our advice: don’t put it on the back burner – start SEO optimization immediately after creating a website.

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How Do Search Engines Work?

Search engines use a whole set of algorithms to crawl data on sites, index them, and display the desired pages.

The first stage is called “crawling”, i.e. the process of scanning or reading the site code.

In the second step, the pages that have been scanned are stored in a huge database. This is called “indexing”.

The final stage comes when someone types a query into the search box. The search service refers to the very database and shows in the results those pages that it considers most relevant.

How Much Does Quality SEO Cost?

Good SEO is available, there is no need to rob a bank for it. If you are willing to invest your time and study all the available information, then you can optimize your site yourself.

However, if have good designers and programmers in your team, and they are willing to work together on SEO – you shouldn’t worry at all.

How To Improve SEO?

How To Improve SEO.

It takes planning and curiosity to do a superb SEO site. You need to understand that every element of your site – from content to design – can have a big impact on your ranking in search results. There are over 200 signals in the Google algorithm that help form the ranking of a site. The most important parts of a website to consider when optimizing are:

1. Content

Is your content high quality? Is it well written? Have you found the right keywords? Is it easy to read from mobile devices? All of these details have a significant impact on how search engine crawlers perceive your text and, accordingly, rank pages. This is why, in case you really want to improve your rankings, content development is vital.

2. Links

In terms of SEO promotion, links to the site are like a way to get electoral votes in the elections! They play an extremely important role in terms of search engines. Getting these links will definitely increase your web page views.

3. Recognisable Brand Design

It’s all clear here. The designers’ work is to make the appearance of your website to fit with your branding. A good brand design is a crucial part of SEO optimization.

4. Technical Search Engine Optimization

This takes into account the crawl ability of site data, page search engine optimization, and other technical aspects. This includes (but not limited to!) Optimizing meta titles and descriptions, structuring site pages with titles, site security, and much more.

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What Are Meta Tags?

When we talk about meta tags, we primarily mean the meta title, that is, the SEO title and the meta description. Together with the URL, these parameters form a snippet of code that appears in search results. That is why it is so important to pay attention to these text elements since search robots crawl them without fail in order to understand the content and theme of the site.

Do Images Affect SEO?

Images improve SEO.

Still as render! Full optimization of images on the site will make them easy to find when searching for images on Google, which means increased traffic to your site.

Does Social Media Matter In SEO Optimization Of A Website?

This has been debated for quite some time, but let’s a better look at it from the other side: the more people get involved in your content, the higher the chance that they will share it online. This will undoubtedly increase traffic to your website, which is the ultimate goal. While not considered a reliable signal for robots, social media presence can have an indirect impact on SERPs.

How Does User Experience Compare To SEO?

How users see and perceive your content, what experience they get from using it, really matters. And this is considered one of the fundamental factors in assigning a rating to a site. User experience is calculated on the basis of many parameters, such as the time the user spent on the page, the number of pages viewed by him, and the bounce rate (closing the page immediately after the transition). This is why it is so important that the site not only looks attractive on the outside but is also functional and easy to navigate.


Search engine optimization sounds scary, but it is actually a big misconception. Especially if you have good designers and programmers in your team.

Follow our advice, make sure that you work as a team for one goal and you will be on top of your goal. Because designers and programmers improve SEO together. Good luck!

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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