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They say change is the only constant and when it comes to web design trends, truer words have never been said. That is why we are going to explore the next wave of design trends in 2024 and beyond.

Trends evolve at a wicked pace, and what was cutting-edge yesterday may be old news tomorrow.

As a web designer in 2024, it’s crucial to keep your finger on the pulse of the latest web trends.


Staying current is the key to crafting digital experiences that not only engage users but also leave a lasting impression.

Let’s dive into the web design trends that are dominating in 2024.

Dark Mode Rising: Embracing The Dark Side Of UX

Dark mode is taking over, and it’s not just a phase.

It’s a design trend that’s here to stay, and for good reason.

Embracing the dark side of UX isn’t just about edginess; it’s about providing a more comfortable and immersive user experience.

Dark Mode Rising: Embracing The Dark Side Of UX. A Dark Theatre. Design Trends In 2024.

Low-light user experiences offer a range of benefits:

  • Reduced eye strain: Dark mode is easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments or during nighttime browsing.
  • Improved readability: When done right, dark mode can enhance the readability of text and make content stand out.
  • Enhanced visual appeal: Dark mode creates a sleek, modern, and sophisticated look that sets websites apart.

X and Discord are some websites that have nailed the dark mode trend.

X’s dark mode is a favorite for users who spend a lot of time scrolling through their feeds.

Discord, a gaming chat platform, offers a dark mode that is a hit among its users.

To implement dark mode effectively, designers need to consider color contrast, readability, and overall aesthetic harmony.

Dark mode does not just mean inverting colors; it’s about finding that line between a visually pleasing and functional experience.

As web design trends continue to evolve, dark mode is one trend that’s sure to leave a lasting impact on the industry.

Scroll-Stopping Stories

In the battle for user attention, story-driven websites are the new secret weapon.

Gone are the days of static, lifeless web pages.

Today, it’s all about crafting immersive experiences that keep users engaged from start to finish.

Parallax scrolling, animations, and interactive elements are the tools of the trade when it comes to creating scroll-stopping stories.

These techniques add depth, movement, and interactivity to a website, making the user feel like they’re beyond the fourth wall.

Parallax scrolling creates a mesmerizing effect where different layers of content move at varying speeds, creating a sense of depth and immersion.

Animations bring the story to life, guiding users through the experience and highlighting key elements.

Interactive elements invite users to actively participate in the story, making them feel more invested in the content.

Scroll-Stopping Stories are a part of design trends for 2024.

Some websites that have mastered the art of scroll-stopping stories include:

  • SBS, The Boat: This interactive graphic novel takes users on a harrowing journey across the Mediterranean, brilliantly combining parallax scrolling, animations, and user interaction.
  • Firewatch: The website for this adventure game is a stunning example of how parallax scrolling and subtle animations can create an atmosphere that perfectly complements the game’s story.
  • Every Last Drop: This educational website uses parallax scrolling, animations, and interactive elements to drive home its message in a powerful, engaging way.

Crafting scroll-stopping stories requires a delicate balance of design, storytelling, and technical prowess.

When done right, these immersive web experiences leave a lasting impact on users, making them more likely to remember and share the content.

As web design trends continue to evolve, the demand for story-driven websites will only grow.

Adding Depth To The Design Game

The grid layout has long been a trusty companion of web designers.

It was the foundation upon which countless websites were built, providing structure and order to the digital realm.

But in 2024, web designers are breaking free from the confines of the grid, exploring new frontiers of creativity and expression.

Asymmetrical layouts are the new kids on the block, shaking things up in a big way.

These unconventional designs challenge the status quo, deviating from the predictable patterns of the past in favor of something more organic, dynamic, and visually striking.

Asymmetry allows for a more natural flow of information, with each element carefully placed to maximize its impact and convey its importance.

When a website breaks the mold and unexpectedly presents its content, it captures the user’s attention and leaves a lasting impression.

It’s a powerful tool for standing out in a crowded digital landscape and making a real connection with the audience.

Of course, breaking free from the grid isn’t easy.

It requires a keen eye for the unity principle of design, a willingness to experiment, and a deep understanding of how users interact with digital interfaces.

In 2024 and beyond, expect to see more and more websites embracing the power of asymmetry.

It’s a trend that’s here to stay, and one that’s sure to reshape the way we think about web design in the years to come.

Brutalism And Raw Aesthetics

Brutalism and raw aesthetics are making a comeback, and they’re doing it with a vengeance.

Brutalist design is all about stripping away the fluff and focusing on the essentials.

It’s a style that prioritizes function over form, content over decoration, and honesty over artificial.

Brutalism And Raw Aesthetics. Design Trends In 2024.

By embracing the raw and unpolished, brutalist designers create web experiences that are bold, memorable, and authentic.

Brutalism is about creating experiences that are unapologetically different, that stand out from the crowd, and that leave a lasting impression on the user.

When done right, brutalist design can be incredibly effective.

It can create a sense of urgency, a feeling of rawness and immediacy that draws the user in and keeps them engaged.

It can also convey a sense of honesty and transparency, building trust with the user and establishing a real connection.

Of course, embracing brutalism and raw aesthetics isn’t for everyone.

It requires a certain level of confidence and a willingness to take risks.

But for web designers who are up to the challenge, the rewards can be significant.

Micro-Interactions And Animations

Many web designers agree that it’s the little things that often make the biggest impact.

In 2024, those little things are proving to be micro-interactions and animations.

Micro-interactions and animations have become the secret sauce of user engagement, and it’s not hard to see why.

These subtle, often barely noticeable design elements have the power to transform a website from a static, lifeless page into an interactive, engaging experience that keeps users coming back for more.

So, what exactly are micro-interactions and animations?

In a nutshell, they’re the small, subtle movements and interactions that occur when a user interacts with a website.

They can be as simple as a button changing color when hovered over, or as complex as a full-screen animation that guides the user through a product tour.

Micro-interactions and animations are incredibly effective at:

  • Providing feedback: They let users know that their actions have been recognized and are being processed, reducing frustration and increasing satisfaction.
  • Guiding users: They can help guide users through a website or app, highlighting important information and making it easier to navigate.
  • Enhancing user experience: They add a layer of polish and sophistication to a website, making it feel more engaging and enjoyable to use.

In 2024, designers are using micro-interactions and animations in increasingly creative and effective ways.

From subtle parallax effects that create a sense of depth and movement, to playful loading animations that keep users entertained while they wait, these design elements are becoming an essential part of the modern web experience.

A website that effectively incorporates micro-interactions and animations can create a sense of delight and surprise that keeps users engaged and coming back for more.

In 2024, it’s time to start thinking small.

Embrace the power of micro-interactions and animations, and watch as your website transforms from a static page into an engaging, interactive experience that users can’t get enough of.

Retro computer monitor with glitch and pixel arrow mouse cursor on neon purple background.
Retro computer monitor with glitch and pixel arrow mouse cursor on neon purple background

Progressive Web Apps: The Future Is Here

PWAs are the love child of web and mobile apps, combining the best of both worlds to create experiences that are fast, reliable, and engaging, no matter what device you’re using.

Clunky, slow-loading websites feel like a chore to navigate.

With PWAs, you get the speed and performance of a native mobile app, combined with the accessibility and reach of the web.

So, what exactly makes PWAs so special?

  • Speed: PWAs are built using modern web technologies that prioritize speed and performance, so they load quickly and smoothly, even on slower networks.
  • Reliability: PWAs can work offline or in low-connectivity environments, so you can keep using them even when your internet connection is spotty.
  • Engagement: PWAs can send push notifications, just like native mobile apps, keeping users engaged and informed even when they’re not actively using the app.

As more and more companies start to embrace PWAs, we’re going to see a whole new wave of innovative, engaging web experiences that blur the line between web and mobile.

So, what does this mean for web designers in 2024?

It means thinking about how to create experiences that are fast, reliable, and engaging, no matter what device they’re being accessed on.

It means using modern web technologies like service workers, push notifications, and app shell architecture to create apps that feel native, even though they’re built on the web.

In short, it means embracing the future of web design, and riding the wave of PWAs to create experiences that are faster, more reliable, and more engaging than ever before.

From the dark mode revolution to the rise of brutalism and raw aesthetics, from scroll-stopping storytelling to the power of micro-interactions and animations, the web design landscape is evolving at a breakneck pace.

But here’s the thing: trends aren’t just about making websites look pretty.

They’re about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the web, and creating experiences that are as memorable as they are functional.

So, if you’re a website designer looking to stay ahead of the curve in 2024, embrace these trends and start innovating.

Look at the web design landscape around you, and you’ll see these trends in action.

From big-name brands to scrappy startups, designers are creating website experiences that are nothing short of extraordinary.

In 2024, the only limit is your imagination, so take advantage of these design trends in 2024.

Contact Matchbox Design Group Today!

If your website could use a refresh or you’re looking to drive more traffic to your site, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to learn more about your digital needs.

Categories:  St. Louis Website Design

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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