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Online automated tools made the optimization of websites easier than ever before. However, some of the major SEO errors at the time of site creation perhaps are still overlooked. Thus, when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), a little error or a mistake passed unnoticed may result in a massive loss for your business. The piece of content helps you identify the 10 common SEO mistakes at the site creation stage, that you must pay attention to, in order to make your site result-driven and successful.

Website Creation, Website Development And SEO

However, when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there may be errors that can go unnoticed. Also, you may not have any idea that you are forgetting anything, or doing something wrong still, there are chances of SEO errors.

It may be possible that you are making thousands of terrible mistakes unintentionally like building low-quality links, not adding keywords in titles, inadequate research, inappropriate keyword usage, and using plagiarized content.

Your website portrays your company and brand; however, developing a website is not that easy. Rather, it comes with many errors and complications if not properly developed and designed. There can be various sites but poor content affects the success of the business eventually. However, professional web developers are skilled enough to recognize new trends, and marketing approaches as well as have sufficient knowledge of programming languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to make your website run and operate the way you want.

Website development layout sketch drawing. 10 Common SEO Mistakes At The Site Creation Stage.

In addition, the website development process involves a few of major steps including:

  • Gather information
  • Planning
  • Designing
  • Development
  • Content writing
  • Testing
  • Maintenance and
  • Choosing CMS

Inadequate Knowledge About Your Target Audience

Not knowing about your target audience and their search intent is quite hazardous for you, as you will not be able to effectively deliver your message to the right target audience, according to SEO experts. One of the most common mistakes that many digital marketers make is not knowing and recognizing their target audience well enough. It, as a result, makes them lose many of the potential customers who are in search of a particular service or product.

Even though you know about your target audience, have you really taken enough time to recognize what can make them click? Work on identifying your expected audience, observing their interests and preferences, and modifying your marketing techniques accordingly.

Using Plagiarized Content

Why would you use plagiarized or duplicated content when Google has already made it clear that if you use someone else’s content showing yours, there will be a penalty? The penalty means your site will be ranked at the bottom of the search results on Google – where your potential buyers cannot find you anymore. 

Always generate exclusive content, and create your own value-rich copy of the text that effectively portrays your brand’s elite voice. You can also use some of the available online tools like Copyscape or Turnitin that will help you remove any accidental plagiarism.

For online or e-commerce stores, never utilize the wholesaler or manufacturer’s product’ descriptions when developing product pages. Make sure to come up with new, engaging, and appealing content that must be enticing enough to grab the reader’s attention and persuade them to buy your products or services eventually.

Insufficient Research

Thorough research related to marketing trends, audiences’ needs, and the latest brands helps you proficiently organize your site in the beginning. Also, make sure to conduct keyword research considering it as the first step in the content creation process. Analyze and examine your competitors’, and their marketing strategies, and assess who’s winning and why. Try to conduct systematic research to exceptionally craft the most competent result.

Broken Links And Dead Pages

It might not seem like much on the surface, however, deep down, dead pages and broken links can cause serious destruction to not only your website but your reputation, growth, success, and business as well. A single broken link can massively impact the search engine rankings of your website as well as the site’s user experience and further result in lost potential consumers – or in the worst case, all of the aforementioned damages.

Another common SEO mistake made by website developers is having broken links and dead pages that highly affect the traffic and ranking of your website. Being a responsible owner, persistently review your site pages and make sure that all the already existing on-site links are well updated well as dead pages are de-indexed and removed. If you avoid doing this, alongside a poor user experience, it may affect the ranking of your website on the search results.

Broken links perhaps are a result of:

  • A page is being moved.
  • A page is being deleted.
  • The website has been taken down.
  • An incorrect URL for the hyperlink has been put down by the website owner.
  • Outside access is not allowed.

So make sure that you routinely and consistently go through the links on your site as well as check and assess that each of the links still works. Also, make sure to recognize dead pages and remove them as soon as possible.

Not Considering Improving Slow Load Time

2022 Loading Bar.

People don’t tend to waste their time waiting for pages to get a load; rather they opt to switch to other sites with efficient working and fastest loading. Slow loading time is one of the common issues hugely affecting the search ranking and SEO results.

Slow loading can happen when websites are developed and operated by individuals with minimal training. It not only negatively influences your site’s efficiency but it makes users skip the site and switch to your competitor. 

Forgetting Technical Details

Technical aspects of developing a website are of much significance since this is the very first element that can help you get a highly effective and engaging website. Make sure that you are not forgetting any of the technical details pertaining to website development.

Missing minor elements such as image alt tags, Meta descriptions, Meta titles, and keywords can cause you to rank lower than your competitors in the industry. Forgetting such minor details makes it harder for visitors to recognize what your website is about, and what are your services when appearing in the search bar.

Meta titles and Meta descriptions are what appear first in the listings and the very first thing people observe before accessing your products or services. Schema markup is another essential technical SEO factor that gives search engines insights related to what your website is all about. Without this, the crawlers cannot tell if your site is relevant to a certain topic or not.

Poor Internal Linking

Internal linking is the source for getting an attractive audience at a greater scale. Internal linking managing efficiently in your site will not be used for the conversion purpose but it will help visitors to quickly find related content.

According to expert SEO specialists from SEOBrothers, Google usually looks for indications like how the website pages, articles, blog posts, and other content link to one another. It examines which pages are most significant and which keywords and topics are most suitable and relevant.

What you can do to fix this issue is to go through your site’s content and observe if one thing or post is related to another on your site. If yes, then link them. It will help enhance the user experience as well as increase traffic to your website. Don’t forget that it’s a good idea to include external links as well.

Putting Too Many Keywords On A Single Page

Putting too many keywords or overusing them is commonly referred to as keyword stuffing. There was a pretty good time when the technique of stuffing worked well. Also, previously website developers easily manipulated a website’s ranking on the search results by incorporating as many of the keywords as they can even though they don’t make sense most of the time. “Keyword stuffing is considered as one of the massive mistakes that can cause further damages both to your website and business as well”, says website developing experts.

Keywords spelled keywodl with wood blocks.

In addition, websites could easily rank higher just by including a wide range of keywords onto a page of a website, even if the keywords are irrelevant and don’t make any sense. Website pages typically are supposed to be developed as pillar pages that should have considered one main keyword and some of the major keywords, like long-tail keywords, built into the pages.

Do not stuff keywords in your content just to get traffic. Most people are not looking for a site that reads “get effective service” repeated 600 times. So make sure to focus on making sense rather than trying to hit a certain keyword density in the article.

Developing Irrelevant Links

Back-linking is the crucial part of developing an SEO-friendly and highly engaging website that can help you grab the audience, pursue them to purchase your products and services and grow your business. Thus, back-linking matters a lot for your website’s success, so if the links are irrelevant it will result in a bad user experience.

Also, many times many backlink developers ignore the fact that the relevancy and the quality of the backlinks are of much more significance than the numbers. In order to get possible maximum links, they often obtain inadequate and inappropriate links that don’t usually add any authority to their website. So, if you want to have a highly optimized website, obtain high-quality, generous, and relevant links. You should make sure the anchor text is accurate for the page it’s linking to.

Inappropriate Structure

The right and appropriate structure for your website is of utmost importance and an efficient component of high-quality website content. Your website must be built according to a certain structure. The most common website structure type is the pyramid, in which there is a home page, main categories, subcategories, individual posts, and their pages.

All of the content on the aforementioned categories must be posted or published structurally and in an organized manner. However, many times, website developers ignore structuring the pages, content, and overall categories that eventually look inappropriate. This not only results in a bad user experience but also affects the business and growth of your website.

Final Verdict

In order to get the website developed and designed effectively, you need to make sure that you never let any of the search engine optimization errors go unnoticed. If you cannot do that on your own, seek assistance from SEO specialists like SEOBrothers. They’ll ensure conducting adequate primary research, generate original quality content, remove dead pages and broken links, develop high-quality content, generate relevant links and follow the steps mentioned in this post.

We hope these 10 common SEO mistakes at the website creation stage will help you rank better.

About The Author:

Alex Lysak is the CEO of SEOBrothers. He has more than 10 years of experience in online marketing. He is building a strong  iGaming affiliate team and aiming to become number one in this niche worldwide

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Categories:  St. Louis SEO

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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