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In the era of technology, anyone can get a website. To run the site is effortless these days. But the question is how can you boost conversions on your website and make them highly engaging websites?

To reach out to millions of users online, the website is a crucial tool for business owners. But the main objective is to make perfect web-design that can retain the visitors and convert them into loyal customers. There are various aspects of designing a website that function well for business and customers simultaneously.

The design matters because it took 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your website and when it comes to designing an eCommerce website it affects a lot as it directly impacts the business. If your website is not attractive, people may leave the site together. A study shows that 77% of agencies with poor website design is the most significant weakness of their clients.

The plan also impacts the convertibility and credibility of your website. So your goal is to make your site perfect.

A better website can engage more traffic to your website, and improved interface leads to increased conversions. Creativity is vital, but there are some basic rules for a better user experience that will help to grow your website.

In this article, we will review some of the ways of web design to create highly engaging and converting websites that help the business and increase the profits. All of this can be considered part of search engine optimization.

A Complete Web Design Guide To Creating a Highly Engaging and Converting Website

Different factors can help to design a website. If you follow these practices, the performance of your website will drastically improve. Let’s get started:

Simple Layout

A simple layout will help with an engaging website and a website that leads to conversions

Always try to make your website simple. Simple does not mean boring. The simpler the website layout, the better. Bright, clean, functional designs make your site easier to load, navigate so that the website can be used on different platforms and devices. Try to add more visuals with the minimum text so that the visitor can easily connect with the content.

Minimize Text

Minimize text for an engaging website

Try not to fill the page with excessive content. Keep the content crisp and clear with valid information. Always take care of the number of words on your homepage and landing pages. If you are creating a platform, there are numerous web pages on your website. Try to add the content about your company, brand, or products that are needed. It would be best if you learned how to tell the story in a few sentences or even in a few words.

Appropriate Use Of Whitespaces

Appropriate use of whitespace.

Whitespace is simply a design element that helps to create a beautiful aesthetic design. It does not mean its white space; it is that it does not contain any image or text. The main reason is that it helps to improve readability. Whitespace provides separate features and ideas. It should be very appealing so that it can catch the sight of the visitor. Proper use of whitespaces can quickly sort the noisy and crowded webpage.

The Right Use Of Colors

The right use of colors to create highly engaging and converting websites

Always ensure that your website has the right colors that can easily attract users and are eye-catching. Colors should be picked according to display your brand message. There are various buttons and interfaces on the website. Choose the contrast colors that looks aesthetic on the site. Pick the right colors from the palette that can quickly grab the user’s attention.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Make your website mobile-friendly for a more engaging experience

Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone. Even 70% of web traffic happens on a mobile device. Half of the webpages worldwide are served to mobile phones. It has surpassed desktop usage. Your website design should be rapid to respond to small mobile phone screens regardless of the screen sizes. It should be helpful to the user and business conveniently.

Check The Loading Speed Of The Webpage

Speed is the top thing required on a website to keep site visitors. Because the user preferred a website that takes no time to load and very quick to respond. Each time you add an element to your site like images, videos, and other complex media files, your loading times can be affected. People abandon the website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

So try to reduce the size of the images, reduce HTTP requests, minimize and combine your file. There are lots of tools available to increase the speed of your website.

User Feedback

User feedback shown on these blocks.

Always ensure that you engage maximum traffic to your website visitors. Create features and space on your website where people can revert about their experience. Select a group of people that help you to provide the feedback regarding the assessment of your website, navigational features, customer experience, design, etc. keep the suggestions in your mind if they required any new features then change it accordingly.

Shorter Paragraphs

Paragraphs break the larger text into smaller ones. It’s not wrong to write longer articles, but for the homepage, keep it to a few sentences. Always start the paragraph with the new information and detail. Paragraph ensures the engaging content to your webpage so the user holds the interest to read.

Try to eliminate the irrelevant content of your webpage, and that reduces confusion. Give more space to your call-to-action.

Simplify Navigation

Keep in mind that the user is browsing your data for any reason like to buy something, to get information or for any other purpose. Whatever the reason is if they are unable to figure out their required data they are going to leave your webpage. Good user experience goes a long way.

There is vast competition in the digital world. Users have various options, so they generally pick the fastest for them. Do not design the wheel with a sophisticated design. Stick with a standard format.

Always try to eliminate unnecessary options. By limiting the choices, conversion becomes ten times higher. This concept can be applied to website navigation. Instead of having the home button, use the logo to link back to your home screen.

If the design is attractive, clean, and secure and menu options are limited. This makes it easy for visitors to choose a selection that satisfies their requirements. An uncomplicated menu simplifies the navigation process without a complicated menu.

High-Quality Images

Instead of using boring images, source the high-quality photos that develop a similar connection with the content, and that feel special. Always keep in mind that people like brands that they think are identical to themselves. If your imagery is too dull or corporate, you’ll turn your visitors away.

Section Headers

In heavy content areas on your website pages, it becomes less interesting for users and they will leave the page at last. So it is advisable to use the headers which break the content and give the structure to them.


Above we have discussed some ways to create a highly engaging and converting website.

When creating an engaging web design, always assure that it conveys your business message, brand personality, fonts, brand colors, and other factors accurately. The use of videos, white space, and images, etc. also help to engage visitors with the site and can lead to great case studies.

I hope this article will help you to engage in more traffic and create a converting website. If you have any queries feel free to ask any questions in the comment box or contact us as one of the top website design companies in the United States.

About The Guest Post Author:

Morris Edwards is a Manager at Awebstar, a website design company in Singapore which is dealing with web design & development, SEO, mobile app development services and more. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, and

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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