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Copywriting has continuously evolved over the years, but one thing remains constant—content is king. Today we are going to discuss The Psychology Of SEO Copyriging. We want to help you with crafting content that converts.

The reason is simple: if you successfully create persuasive and compelling content, you can drive tons of engagement and traffic to your business, which can later lead to conversions.

However, this isn’t something every Copywriter can easily achieve, as Copywriting is a Science just as much as an art. 

This means you can’t only know your way around words—you should also be able to tap into your target market’s internal motivators and persuade them to take action.

From spicy headlines, emotional hooks, and controversial statements, it’s time to learn about the scientific and analytical approach that can help you understand your audience’s psychology and influence them to take desirable action. 

6 Psychology-Based Copywriting Strategies

Here are some of the Psychology-based Copywriting strategies to help you grab your audience’s attention and help you create an effective, conversion-oriented copy:

Basing Their Strategy On 6 Psychology-Based Copywriting Strategies.
Basing their strategy on up-to-date financial data

Understand The Human Mind Deeply

Before you start writing content, you must understand how the human mind works.

Start by pinpointing exactly who your audience is. Who are they? What are their needs, desires, and triggers?

Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to tailor your message to suit their needs, resonate with their feelings, and, ultimately, have a higher chance of gaining a positive response from them.

Targeting your audience specifically is also much better than writing too broad or general content. 

By pinpointing your targets, you can craft a message that addresses them and targets their pain points.

Tap Into The Power Of Emotions

Emotions are among the most powerful motivators in Copywriting. People usually take action when they feel an emotional connection to a product or service.

This is what brand intimacy is all about. 

While brand loyalty is focused on the loyalty incentives or rewards a person gets for being loyal to their favorite brand, brand intimacy is solely about how a person “feels” about a certain brand.

It focuses on the emotional connection between a business and its customers and how these emotions can influence a customer’s purchasing decision, all while becoming long-time supporters of the same brand.

This proves how effective appealing to the emotions of your target audience is. Doing so can create a sense of urgency, making your offers much more compelling.

Poke Their Pain Points

Remember that your audience buys goods, purchases services, or supports a particular online personality because they believe these can help solve their problems.

For instance, people who buy dandruff shampoos want to solve their dandruff problems. 

If you’re writing a copy for this brand, you should mention how much of a hassle it is to avoid wearing dark clothes so that people wouldn’t notice the dandruff on their shoulders.

You can also bank on feelings of shame or humiliation when a co-worker says, “You have dandruff on your clothes.”

These negative feelings will trigger your target audience’s emotions and give them the feeling that you somehow relate to what they’re going through, which could prompt them to respond to your Call-To-Action (CTA).

In the case of dandruff shampoo, you’re not merely selling your target audience a product—you’re selling them confidence and helping them regain their self-esteem.

A good Copywriter will take advantage of these psychological triggers by identifying their audience’s pain points and offering their products or services as the solution.

Highlight Social Proof

Social proof helps people feel more confident about trying out a new product or subscribing to a service if they see others attest to how it helped them solve their problems.

You can establish credibility and create a sense of trust with your audience by including reviews, endorsements, or testimonials in your copy. 

Create Scarcity

Creating scarcity raises the feeling of FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out. 

It’s a psychological phenomenon in which the anxiety or fear of being left out of exciting experiences motivates people to make a purchase decision and to make it fast. 

For instance, when a product is labeled as “limited edition” or content is classified as “exclusive,” its value increases in people’s minds, prompting them to make a purchase instantly. Otherwise, they’d be left out. 

This is also why, when updated versions of gadgets are released in the market, some people camp overnight in front of stores to ensure they can be the first to get their hands on these new releases.

Incorporating limited-time offers, flash sales, and exclusive deals in your copy are some of the ways you can encourage your audience to take immediate action before it’s too late.

Crafting Content That Converts. Woman using content that has converted her into crafting.
Modern woman do knit work at home thanks to video tutorial online content on laptop computer

Utilize Data-Driven Storytelling

Narrative is a powerful tool for content creation. People remember interesting stories more than statistics or raw data. 

Storytelling humanizes information by contextualizing it, making it more memorable, relatable, and trustworthy.

A copy full of data and statistics is a report, and one full of stories unsupported by reliable data is just that—a story.

This makes data-driven storytelling essential since it takes the power of storytelling and combines it with cold, hard facts to back up and prove your assertions.

The 4 key story elements you must consider when writing this copy are the characters, setting, conflict, and resolution.

Here’s an example to help you visualize it better:

“When I (character) was in my early 20s, I was working a 9-5 job for a big corporation, whose name I wouldn’t mention. 

I would wake up early in the morning to prepare for work, travel an hour to get there, and spend 8 hours of my day doing something I didn’t even love (setting), all for the sake of earning money, which barely gets me by.

You see, I worked hard all day, sometimes even bringing home some work to finish on time without getting any recognition for all the hard work I’d been putting in. 

The worst part is that the money I’ve been earning for the past five years is just enough to pay my bills. 

I didn’t have sufficient savings, a safety net, or health insurance—I was working and earning just to survive (conflict). 

This continued for years until I woke up one morning and decided enough was enough. I wanted to change my life, so I took the necessary steps, and in a few months, I learned everything I needed about stock trading.

I’ve learned that this is one of the best ways to earn money, so much so that millions of people worldwide are trading stocks. 

So, believe me when I say I understand what you’re going through and am here to help you. I was once like you, and I know how hard it is to learn all these things on your own.

The great news is, you don’t have to. I’ve created an in-depth stock trading guide (solution) to help beginners with zero knowledge get started in the trading industry.

I want you to break free from the 9-5 cycle, and I’m here to help you.”

This 283-word story resonates with what the readers are going through. Not only that but it is also backed by data to make it even more convincing. 

It tapped into the target audience’s pain points and tapped into their emotions without sounding like a boring report or a sales pitch.


To sum it up, creating persuasive content that converts is an art to be enjoyed via data-driven storytelling techniques, and a Science that encourages writers to tap into the wonders of the human mind.

By crafting content that understands the human mind, taps into the power of emotions, and utilizes various psychological copywriting techniques, your content would not only rank on Google’s first page but also gain visitors which can be converted into loyal customers.

Matchbox Design Group hopes this article helps you create good engaging content. If you would like professionals to craft content that converts please contact us using the form below.

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About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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