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There has been a lot of talk about the psychology behind website designs. It’s not new information that using certain psychological methods and principles helps you reach your target audience and conveys your message better. From using the right shade of a color to choosing the perfect image for your company logo, it’s all been about using different aspects of psychology. Still, more and more companies find that they don’t have the wanted effect on their users. It leaves them wondering what’s missing and what they’re doing wrong, as most are convinced that psychology by itself is guaranteed success. Having good psychology And typography tactics will help get your entire piece of content read.

Without Typography, though, you won’t be able to do what you set out to do. Typography is the science of style and organization. Basically, this aspect focuses on how we read webpages. If you combine these two aspects, your end result is definitely going to be a functioning and well-designed website.

1. Make It Fun

People respond to things that make them laugh or are entertaining in any way. This is why you shouldn’t leave out humor from your website. Using typefaces almost guarantees that your users will assign human traits to them. This makes the content more relatable and interesting, as well as retaining their interest.

Fonts play a big part in this imagery as well. We subconsciously assign attitudes and tones to certain types of fonts. Evoking emotion, making something funny, or proving a serious point all becomes much easier when you’re conveying the right message through the font. All of this means your content writer should understand the full spectrum of human emotion and how to play with it.

2. Breaking The Text Up

Breaking the text is up is important to have white space making it easier to read.
Breaking The Text Up Can Make Reading The Article Less Daunting To The User

What you need to understand is that people only read the first two rows of an article and then scan the rest of it for the information they need. Knowing this, organize your articles so that they’re easy to scan and embed valuable information so it’s easy to find. The “F” reading method is common to all of us, regardless of how aware we are of it.

It’s very important to work with this information instead of against it. You can break up your article into sections that are all neatly connected with photographs. This way, you’re making the blog post easy to read, while giving your audience something else to focus on at the same time. Don’t forget to look into the meanings and colors of the images you’re posting as they can have a greater effect on the user than the article itself.

3. How Social Media Fits In

As well as your website, social media is also the face of your business. A business that doesn’t have at least one social media account today isn’t going to get far. After all, your target audience is all in one place and you get to influence their consumer decisions as well as directly interact with them. Social media also makes marketing much easier, as well as raising brand awareness without you having to do much.

How you organize your profile and how you interact with your customers are the two main concerns of typography and psychology in this aspect. You’ll need to take good care of your profile, make finding the information easy, and maybe even organize your feed so that it creates a larger image. Completing your profile with valuable information is also essential. On top of that, you need to reply to comments and messages to show your customers you care.

In Australia, it’s also common practice to hire firms like Eight Clients in Melbourne as Aussies have realized they could spend their time taking care of the rest of the business, while someone with more social media knowledge takes care of their accounts for them.

4. Using All Of Word’s Features

Using all of words features such as bold, italics and different fonts so the text isn't boring.
Using All Of Word’s Features To Keep The Text Interesting When The Words Are Bland.

Influencing how your readers read your articles and texts greatly depend on how many features of Microsoft Word you use. Most people think that writing an amazing article is enough to retain the user’s attention. Alas, in the age of short attention spans, your articles need to evoke emotion in a much broader and more direct sense.

As well as being fluent and writing your message out in an exceptionally skilled manner, you’ll need to think about the font you use. It should be something simple and easy to read, as people don’t want to make much of an effort to read an illegible font. Using a simple font also opens up some other doors. When your words are bland, those that stick out make much more of an impact.

It is a known fact of psychology that people remember words that are physically different in a long string of sentences of words. You can use this to highlight the messages you want to send or to emphasize something. Using bold and italics also means that you can place stress in a sentence at just the right point. This has the power to burn the message into someone’s brain more than anything else. It also makes your article appear much more dramatic and passionate.


As you can see, psychology is only good in business if it’s accompanied by typography. It works very well the other way around, too. Improving user experience is essential for keeping your old customers and attracting new ones. These two branches have surely found their place in the world of digital marketing and will guarantee success if you use them correctly. So, from now on, pay attention to every word you use in a blog post, but also to how you organize the article as a whole.

Our Guest Blogger

Nick is a blogger and a marketing expert currently engaged on projects for Media Gurus, an Australian business, and marketing resource. He is an aspiring street artist and does Audio/Video editing as a hobby.

Nick is a blogger and a marketing expert currently engaged in projects for Media Gurus, an Australian business, and marketing resource. He is an aspiring street artist and does Audio/Video editing as a hobby.




About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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