Matchbox Design Group was given the opportunity to create a logo for the new Energizer® campaign, PowerSource. Inspiration came from what drives humans, or sources our energy. The power within to participate in our hobbies is our PowerSource. We created a loading bar for the “o” in “source” to symbolize this power and utilized an italic typeface to reinforce the constant movement of an individual down the road of life. Take a look at some different iterations of the Energizer® Power Source Branding look.
Energizer® Power Source Branding
You can see how just a few changes can make a huge difference for a design or a logo. This is a big deal when it comes to the branding of your company. Branding is very important to your company, because your brand is the face of your company. Your brand is the story of your company and it’s what gives your company a certain reputation. It’s the same way that professional sports athlete has to maintain a good public face, well so does a company. Of course, if your company is a cutting edge or even an edgy company, then you will want your brand to match that as well. If you are a “cool” skateboarding company, then you will not want your brand to appeal to 80 year old women as you probably won’t be selling too many skateboards to 80 year old women. Of course we could be wrong about that, but as a whole it would not be smart to try and appeal to that market space. According to our expert advisor at DX Print in Perth, your brand is you, your logo, your business card, your office and anywhere else online or in person that people might come into contact with your company and has the ability to pass judgement on your brand. They are deciding if they want to buy from you, or use your service. You can see that in the images below.