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It is a fact that the main purpose of any marketing initiative is to create high conversions. For companies that sell their products online, this KPI is highly influenced by the interface, for that reason the user experience for e-Commerce is the key element of the success of a brand.

Most studies reveal that users abandon almost 70% of carts; the consumers who intend to do the shopping on the Internet change their minds along the way, and that implies a financial loss for the company.

If the consumers are not satisfied with their purchase experience in e-commerce, no matter if it is because of too complicated a browser or slow loading time, they will go to search for what they need on your competitor’s website. You should pay attention to a demographic profile, and your interface’s sales funnel making sure that the user experience is good enough to achieve more conversions, and consequently, more benefits.

Getting To Know Your Clients Will Make Your User Experience Stronger

No matter if you sell designer shoes or construction machinery, your clients should know what they are buying and why should they do that in your shop and not in another. The website should be the most intuitive possible, with visual and verbal elements, following a certain logic between the design and the brand’s purpose.

In order to optimize these aspects, your marketing team should analyze what type of users are the most common buyers, and how you should design your website so it will please your target audience.

eCommerce is one area that you must have an excellent user experience or you will literally lose customers

Be Careful With The Security

Some of the elements that you cannot miss on your website are your contact details, your habitual client’s testimonies, and the security certification. Make sure your website uses https and safe payment platforms. Making a purchase on the Internet implies facilitating the credit card details, and many customers are still not really convinced about the security of payments through the Internet. However, if they can see that your website is safe, that you have had a lot of satisfied clients, and that in case of any problem they can easily contact the customer support service who knows about the current customer trend which can be acquired from this website, they will be more likely to buy products on your website.

Here is the list of good banks with free checking accounts and great card security.

Make Your User’s Life Easier

By using UX (User Experience) or UEQ (User Experience Questionnaires), you can guarantee the convenience and the good quality of your website’s structure. With UXQ the people who represent your target audience will try your platform to determine which elements add value, and which ones you should improve to optimize the experience.

Some Tips We Can Give You To Improve The User Experience For e-Commerce Websites:

  • Use the cross-selling strategy for complementary and similar products. That way you will offer your clients a more personalized proposal, and it is more probable that you are showing them something they actually want.
  • Put pressure on clients by showing how many products there are in stock. It will create a sensation of urgency and will speed the client’s decision.
  • Less is more. Minimalism is one of the fundamentals of the user experience for e-commerce. Having a really original website, at first, sight, may seem to be a differentiating element, but it is not always true. You have to think if the elements on your website really add value to your users, or they just distract your clients from making the purchase. People get used to a certain way of buying on the Internet and changing it may frustrate them. Also, do not exaggerate with colors. It is recommendable to use light colors as a background, and use stronger ones, such as red or orange for call-to-action buttons to get users’ attention. Browsing a page full of bright colors is tiring for the eyes, and will increase your bounce rate.
  • The user experience does not end on the Internet. There is no doubt that e-commerce is the present and the future of shopping, but there is still one problem to solve, and it is the human touch the physical shops can offer. When clients do their shopping they might have a lot of questions about the product, and on e-commerce, they cannot just ask the closest employee about it. For that reason, good telecommunication systems are very important for online businesses. And not only before the purchase but also for after-sale service. Especially if you are selling electronic devices or other products that customers might need help to use them,  you will need to stay in touch with your clients, and you cannot allow yourself to miss any call. For that reason, you should complement your well-designed website with a virtual call center system.

Check Out This Amazon FBA Seller Resource

The suggested solutions will not only increase your conversion rate but also will help you to build trust with your clients. Thanks to their know-how, and long experience, you will be able to improve your user experience to achieve better results, and consequently, higher overall benefits.

Guest Blogger

I am Emma Smith, PR and content manager at Fonvirtual. Fonvirtual provides companies and entrepreneurs with international virtual phone numbers. I’m interested in digital marketing, technology, and international logistics. I am a usual collaborator in blogs, where I try to spread the word of telecom services in international business.


About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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