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The Internet is a massive and highly competitive marketplace with over 1.7 billion websites existing on the web. And with new websites being launched or lost every day, website owners need to adopt various strategies to stay relevant. Take a look at our SEO Guide.

SEO Guide: 7 Effective Techniques To Look Out For In 2021.

Search engines update their SEO algorithms frequently, which poses a significant challenge for website owners to keep up with the latest SEO trends. They’ve to juggle optimizing their website with various advanced SEO techniques for better rankings and traffic while focusing on their business.

Whether you aim to increase your online appointments, sales, or better return on investment, the following seven SEO techniques will help you drive your business growth.

1. Pay Attention To Core Web Vitals Guidelines

Core web vitals are Google’s latest ranking signals, consisting of user-focused metrics. These metrics help Google determine a page’s effectiveness in providing a seamless user experience (UX).

The three core web vitals that determine your site’s ranking include page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. These factors, in combination, aim to measure the UX and the bounce rate.

Core web vitals are crucial to affect your SEO rankings positively. And since the ultimate goal of the vitals is to improve UX, a great UX design will ensure a higher core vitals score.

Another way to improve user experience includes a code signing certificate to authenticate software/files/products available on your website. It validates the source identity, assuring users of the security of your files.

2. Adopt Internal Linking Strategy

Internal link building is one of the most effective yet underutilized strategies. It is a tactic to strategically divert links from popular pages to other, less-visited pages within the same domain.

Internal links establish a relation between two web pages within your website, driving customers from high-performing pages to a new page. By interlinking pages, you allow users to navigate through other pages of your website, decreasing your bounce rate.

This strategy also provides a medium for search engine robots to crawl and index your lower-ranked pages, thus increasing their organic search engine rankings.

3. Find Links That Point To Competitor’s 404 Pages

Find dead links. 404 page.

This SEO technique is built around identifying links on other websites pointing to your competitor’s website and finding those that return a 404 error. Once you have all the dead links, you can outreach to the most valuable websites and offer them your site’s content as a replacement.

This strategy is effective because you are offering a solution for broken links on other websites. It increases the chances of receiving more responses.

4. Embed Long-Tail Keywords

Google’s SEO algorithm is designed to understand relevant subtopics for a particular keyword. So, while there may be stiff competition for short-tail keywords, it is relatively easier to rank higher for long-tail keywords.

You should identify all the relevant keywords related to your specific keyword and try embedding them into your title and content as well.

5. Upgrade Existing Content

You might be focusing on creating new content for SEO purposes, but you can’t ignore your existing content. Most bloggers publish content so frequently without noticing that their old content is now irrelevant.

Person upgrading their existing content.

An effective way to update your old content is by auditing it. Check for any external links that are broken or outdated. You can also add links on existing content that point to a new resource you’ve recently created. This will improve your user experience and prevent Google from penalizing your website for broken links.

6. Design A Mobile-Friendly Website

As over 55 percent of the searches are done from mobile devices, it is essential to build a mobile-responsive website. Mobile-friendly websites make it easier for users to access your website across devices and ensure a positive user experience.

Delivering a seamless browsing experience will help you gain an edge in a competitive digital environment.

7. Optimize Every Image On Your Website

Images are one of the best ways to capture the audience’s attention. They are also a compelling way to provide information. Research suggests that your brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. So, it is crucial to optimize your website with pictures of the right size and quality.

Also, images account for approx 21 percent of your web page’s weight, making image optimization a crucial SEO technique. Ensure compressing large pictures as they can slow down your site’s speed, resulting in a poor user experience.


The end goal of any SEO technique is to help your website deliver an exceptional user experience. Search engines prioritize their user’s needs and requirements, which is why they rank websites based on relevancy and authenticity.

Optimize your images. This image is the word audience with arrows pointing to it.

You’ll need to adopt a clear SEO strategy to gain a competitive edge on the Internet. By implementing these SEO techniques, you can maximize your website’s potential, resulting in business growth and success. Some of the methods might be difficult to implement, but you can master these strategies and build a strong SEO foundation with practice and focus.

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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