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When deciding on your brand’s logo you’re bound to hear many theories on what the ‘BEST’ type is. Know this: there’s no universal best. You simply need to find the perfect fit for your company or brand. Today we are going to show you some illustrative logos for inspiration.

While some will tell you to “keep it simple” and focus on graphic or text-based logos, a more intricate design—an illustrative logo—can benefit many niches. So, do your homework before settling on a type.

The Message You Want To Bring Across

An illustrative logo is a pictorial representation of the message you want to bring across such as:

  • The product you’re selling.
  • The interesting history of your company.
  • A sentimental graphic and how it relates to your brand.
  • Company culture or people.
  • Your vision or values.

It can include your brand name in the text, but if you do marketing right, in the future you may even drop the text and still get recognized.

So, When Should You Use Illustrative Logos?

Firstly, it’s important to consider where you’ll be using your logo. Illustrative logos with lots of detail can’t be too small because the details won’t be noticed and they can even look unprofessional. This limits the ways in which you can reproduce it on merchandise and marketing materials. A tiny illustration on a pen may not be enough to show all the details. Plus, you have to keep adaptability in mind too.

Secondly, think of the colors you’ll use. A multi-colored illustrative logo often won’t have much impact when reproduced in black and white. Will this be cumbersome in your marketing strategy? Of course, this is not to say you can’t use black and white in your logo design.

But don’t let our warnings put you off from using an illustrative logo. When done correctly it can be the key to getting a memorable brand logo that’ll last for eons.

An illustrative logo gives you loads of room to get creative. You should also consider using this logotype if you’ll use a lot of animation in your marketing, such as YouTube videos. The components of your logo can be animated which will make them more recognizable to viewers.

Illustrative logos are smart to use if you need to stand out in a competitive market because there’s very little chance of your logo getting mistaken for someone else’s. These logos easily draw attention, so it can form part of your strategy to get noticed. To achieve the best results, many brands turn to illustration services to develop highly detailed and visually appealing logos that perfectly align with their identity.

It’s Time To Get Creative

An illustrative logo can easily help you protect your company’s reputation. When creating a very simple logo it’s easy to inadvertently use aspects of other people’s branding. But an illustrative logo is intricate and unique so there’s little chance of someone suing you for copying their branding idea.

Also, know that illustrative logos with a ‘cool’ approach can quickly become popular, becoming THE image consumers want on wearables. That increases your exposure and revenue streams. You simply have to find the balance between what you want to communicate and what your audience will find engaging.

When you do pick this type, make sure you use an experienced designer. You don’t want your logo to look messy, cluttered, or unprofessional. It takes some skill to get this right!

To help you realize what’s possible when an illustrative logo design is done right, we compiled a list of the best ones around. See how these designers managed to communicate a message via a single image…and then start working on yours.

Great Illustrative Logo Designs

Inspirational Illustrations. Pirate's treasure.
By Lucija
Draft Beer Illustration.
By Nagual
Doberman illustration for inspiration.
By Havi Cruz
Viking Meats Illustration for inspiration
By Cecelia Coto
Dinero Para Logo Illustration
By: SBDesign
Bad bird illustration logo inspiration.
By Multiple owners
Buffalo Theory logo or inspiration.
By Steven Noble
Black Oak Motorcycle Logo Inspiration.
By Steven Noble
Washington Wizards Logo
By Jacen Aguiler
Mark Illustration
By: Logo Ped
Balloon Illustration
By: Biondic
Chiefs Illustration
By Fraser Davidson
Hahn Illustration
By Greg Hahn
Pathways Acadamy Illustration
By Tycoon Creative
The Gateway Pictures Illustration
By: Bas Pixels
Redwood Reapers
By Tortoiseshell Black
Whatup Streetwear Illustration
By Gabo Romero
Gladiators Illustration
By Simon
T-Rex Monster Illustration
By Maks
LA'KIRU Illustration
By: Alter Ego
Yellow Pappy Illustration
By: Ol Killer
FISHFANG Illustration
By: Mirbach Design
Flawed Bot Illustration
By Derrick Stratton
Raptors EIDHOVEN Illustration
By Jan-Onno N
PASCO E-SPORT Illustration
By hanographic
COBYK Illustration
By: Ol Killer
By Paul Ainsworth•
Crystal Palace Foxes
By Francesco Mr.Pera
All Star Moscow 2016 Illustration
By Dlanid
LYON Gaming Illustration
By Mauro Pérez
GODSENT Illustration
by Dlanid
Green Buck Illustration
by Matthew McElroy
THE GRILL Illustration
By: Logo Machine
BIG MOOSE Hockey Illustration
By Khisnen Pauvaday
Orlando Magic Illustration
By Ian Bakar
By Yury Orlov
RODEO AUSTIN Illustration
By Studio Simon
By Tim O’Connor 
By Maxime Harrisson
Minor League Baseball Umpire Development Illustration
by Studio Simon
MISTROZOW Illustration
By Multiple


Andreas Alanis works as a freelance blogger with a deep understanding of graphic design and brand identity design. He’s keen on educating his readers with information on marketing brands, promotional techniques, and digital advertising. We hope you like these illustrative logos for inspiration.

Contact Matchbox Design Group Today!

Categories:  St. Louis Branding

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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