Last Thursday, the greatest thing in the world happened: I won a free breakfast! But not just any old breakfast. It was a free Start Right Waffle breakfast with Buzzfeed! And I learned a bunch of cool marketing tricks.
As a part of the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, they did a breakfast promo where 50 of the 1,300 attendees were chosen to have breakfast with the Senior Vice President of Marketing at Buzzfeed, Brant Mclean. I was one of the lucky 50.
I didn’t sleep the night before breakfast.
I compiled 20 questions to ask from my co-workers.
And I set my alarm about two hours earlier than my normal wake-up time.
All and all, the waffles were delicious. Brant Mclean answered all my questions–and then some. I learned some clever tactics that they usew on a daily basis to be one of the most popular Internet sites ever.
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4 Marketing Tricks I Learned from Breakfast with Buzzfeed
1. Don’t produce content for the masses. Buzzfeed looks for a niche market who will share their content.
2. REALLY listen to your audience. they are constantly digging through their own comment sections to find ideas from their own community.
3. Video. Video. Video! In the last year, Buzzfeed has shifted 50% of its company to be in dedicated video roles.
4. When it comes to lists, think outside the “Top 10” to stir conversation–and comments. For instance, they will brainstorm the top 50 ideas for one of their listicles. Then, instead of posting the top 10, they will post the top 11-20 to purposely get users to comment, like, “OMG! I can’t believe you left (this) off the list!”
It gets people talking more and sharing more.
What marketing tricks do you use to make your content more shareable and more popular on social media networks?