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Technology is changing the modern way of life in a big way, and every year it is further transforming the global business sector. There is not an industry in the world that doesn’t rely on tech innovation and IT systems nowadays, which makes the IT industry ripe with career opportunities for newcomers as well as seasoned professionals. Whether you’re just getting into IT or if you’re looking to upgrade to a better job, there are many opportunities you can exploit in 2021. Here are some tech and IT skills you will need to expand your career choices.

From data science to cybersecurity, from software development to advanced tech like AI and machine learning, you can add numerous skills and certifications to your resume to become a top candidate. Today, we’ll be taking a look at the skills and certifications that will get you on the employer’s radar and maximize your chances of making it big in IT. Here’s what you should add to your resume this year.


The need for cybersecurity experts is growing rapidly as businesses continue to rely on online commerce, cloud technologies, and as companies continue to store more and more sensitive data on their servers. Given the gargantuan cost of cyber-attacks on the global market, business leaders are eager to invest in cybersecurity systems and professionals who can maximize data security and implement advanced security measures as well as early-warning systems.

Cyber Security

That said, many companies get their cybersecurity from cloud vendors and outsourced IT teams, but everyone still needs in-house professionals to ensure complete data security in real-time. If you want to get a job as a security specialist, you should look into certifications that include cloud cybersecurity, hardware security and maintenance, and the like.

Software And App Development

App development is hotter right now than it has ever been, as companies are trying to cater to the mobile demographic, minimize customer effort, and create a branded experience for their users. That said, it’s not just app development that’s booming around the world, because software development, in general, is extremely important to growth-oriented companies looking to bring a better overall experience to their customers.

There is no denying that there is a lot you can gain by becoming a software engineer or an app developer, and these skills should definitely find their way on your resume if front-end work is what you’re interested in. Employers are now looking for individuals with the right skills, yes, but given the wide range of app and software development kits out there that fit pre-optimized features, they are now more focused on creative and strategic talent.

You not only need to have the right development skills and know-how to use app and software tools, but you also have to have a strategic mindset, know the industry and the customer, and be creative with your design. This will set you apart from the other applicants.

Data Science

Every business decision is nowadays based on relevant industry and consumer data. Modern business leaders don’t make a single move without consulting their analytics teams, data scientists, and detailed reports. One wrong move could send their company in the wrong direction, which is why data science in private ventures is so popular nowadays.

By taking an ICT course to become a certified data science professional, you can get a leading role in a company’s analytics team and influence the course of an entire organization by creating deep, meaningful insights. CEOs and executives will act on your findings and predictions, and they will rely on you to take their companies forward. This makes data science one of the most lucrative opportunities right now, and you should add it to your resume.

Cloud Computing

One of the sectors that are on a continuous upward trajectory is cloud computing, which might not be anything new, but is definitely receiving global adoption right now. An ever-increasing number of businesses are migrating to the cloud to capitalize on the various benefits of this technology and take their organizations forward in 2021 and the years to come.

Cloud Computing

This has created a need for skilled and certified cloud specialists, managers, and cloud infrastructure experts that can innovate and deploy cloud applications, ensure the efficiency of the infrastructure, and deliver a seamless experience to the customers. There are many cloud certifications you can add to your resume, and each one is a worthwhile investment in a world that is increasingly adopting cloud computing across the board.

AI And Machine Learning

Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning are in use across the globe, and they’re allowing the business sector to thrive. From predictive analytics and AI-driven big data analysis, all the way to systems maintenance, asset upkeep, customer service, and support and beyond, AI and ML are leading the way in digital transformation.

That’s why executives are constantly searching for AI and ML engineers and developers who can implement advanced algorithms and AI systems, create a robust testing environment, and leverage the power of these technologies to take their businesses forward. It’s a long road to becoming an AI expert, though, but the rewards will be well worth the investment.

Wrapping Up

IT skills are in higher demand every year, and in 2021, you want to enrich your resume with the skills that will take your career to the next level. Consider one of these areas of IT and invest in the right training and certification to land your dream job.

About the Author

James McMinn

Senior Digital Strategist

James is a savvy digital marketing specialist with a Masters of Science in Internet Marketing. For the past fourteen years, he has been specializing in SEO, PPC & Marketing Strategy. He has a super sharp analytical mind and a finely tuned creative eye for marketing initiatives that optimize brands.

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