Owner and Founder Michael Fox offers an interesting twist to the architecture industry. Coming from a graphic design background and opening an architecture studio 33 years ago, Fox Architects doesn’t focus on projects —they focus on relationships. While other architecture studios are being clever and trendy, Fox Architects prides itself instead on stability and the success of it’s steadfast clients. That means they won’t treat you like just another customer. You will be treated like part of the family and as time goes by you will see the expertise that Fox Architects has coming from a graphic design background. They are doing a lot of things that nobody else is doing and are always ahead of the curve on new technologies.
Fox Architects Website Redesign
In the next three months Matchbox Design Group will be working with Fox Architects to redesign their website. We will focus on not only developing SEO friendly content, cross linking relevant blog posts and articles also known as internal linking, but also projecting the FoxArchitect viewpoint, “Projects build fees, Relationships build value”. The idea that when Fox Architects are finished you will have an amazing new project, but also so much more. You will see a whole new space or see your space come to life and understand the aesthetics of a beautiful space.
Please contact Matchbox Design Group today if you like the work here and we can give you a fast and reliable quote. We can get you into the office and provide a detailed proposal and soon you will be having your own high ranking, nice looking website that you can showoff online. Let this Fox Architects website redesign be proof that here at Matchbox Design Group we take our work serious and attack every job with great intensity. Click below to contact us to start a new Website Project.
[cta-button title=”Get A New Website Today” button_text=”Let’s Talk” url=”https://matchboxdesigngroup.com/contact-us”]