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Content marketing drives your digital campaign and directs the success of your company’s promotional strategies. Brands produce high-quality and interactive content to acquire more organic traffic and engagement while retaining the existing one. This content contributes to the company effectively achieving its commercial objectives.

But constantly creating fresh content is an enormous responsibility. Many marketers find it next to impossible to publish content produced from scratch daily. That’s why they prefer repurposing their already-published content mainly by changing the format. This content marketing strategy has numerous benefits from a marketing perspective. But, first, let’s discuss different methods of reusing your ancient content.

Which Content Should Be Updated/Repurposed?

Before we learn the reasons for reproducing your content, we must consider an even more enthralling query. Which content should you repurpose? You shouldn’t recreate content written on a worthless subject. For instance, there’s no reason to recreate stuff about the first Google Panda update since it isn’t evergreen anymore.

Which Content Should Be Updated/Repurposed

Content that is eternal, relevant, and valuable deserves to be refurbished and reposted. Then, it would be best if you considered reproducing content written about popular and trendy topics. Marketers focus their attention on repurposing content that has some potential and marketability. This content can once again go viral just after eliminating all the outdated references/statistics.

What are the different methods of recreating your content? You can turn your blogs into audiobooks. Or your infographics can become the subject of your upcoming podcast. How about talking about your case studies in an animated video? You can ask to turn the content discussed in your video into a fantastic ebook.

You should see how you can make your ebook by reproducing your series of articles in a single digital binding as well. These are some methods of inter-converting your content into many formats:

  • Your old articles can serve as marketing guides.
  • Turn your slideshows into educative infographics.
  • Your interviews with other platforms can serve as advice ebooks.
  • You can take your visual content and furnish with it your Pinterest board.
  • If you’ve answered some questions of Quora, transform them into a proper blog post.

Reasons To Update Your Old Content

Search engines rank websites based on the quality of their content and the number of valid hyperlinks they have. But why should marketers recycle their content? It takes time and effort to produce utterly fresh content. Spending that much time on content creation has drastic consequences for your marketing endeavors. Hence, a wise approach is to breathe a new life into your published content by presenting it in a new, engaging format. Here are some more benefits of reproducing your successful content:

1. Revive Dead Content

It isn’t easy keeping your content fresh and bringing traffic to it constantly. Repurposing helps your dead content come back to life and become relevant once again to your audience. You rejuvenate the outdated content by incorporating the latest information and updating ancient statistics. You can also change the publication date and include a revision history for the audience’s convenience. That’s how recreation techniques don’t let you lose your content to the passage of time.

2. Salvage Failed Content

Some of your content doesn’t perform as per your expectations. Even well-written content doesn’t attract your audience’s attention sometimes. That’s why marketers change the content format and republish the same information in a changed outfit. Your articles may resonate with your niche in a visual design. Your ebook can capture significant leads if turned into a podcast. Repurposing your content saves you the trouble of creating content from scratch.

3. Easier To Produce

Content creation isn’t a quick process since it takes time and effort to develop a marketable product. Marketers require one to six hours to produce quality content for their campaigns. However, repurposing your outdated content helps you create fresh articles quickly. Sometimes, you merely have to change the content format or add an updated piece of information. This procedure of content recreation consumes less effort; hence there’s no need to overhaul the whole process.

4. Acquire A New Audience

This strategy also permits you to access a previously untapped audience. Many potential customers will not consume your content in its original format. So, changing the design allows you to market your content effectively. For instance, your consumers will prefer watching short clips about your product instead of reading long-form articles. Repurposing your content enables you to convey the same information to different portions of your target audience or a new set of people altogether.

Acquire A New Audience

5. Multichannel Marketing

This technique enables you to focus your marketing endeavors on various channels. Since a different approach works for all media/channels, marketers target potential customers via methods specific to them. Repurposing your content helps you channel the same message to other customers in various formats for better engagement. You can connect with people through one conduit with a blog post. Then you can pass the same information as an illustrative infographic to another audience.

6. Backlinking Opportunities

Marketers require backlinks to distribute their content online and acquire organic traffic to their websites. These hyperlinks help establish your brand as a trustworthy and authoritative source of information. Different digital platforms pursue unique and informative content. So, you can recreate your outdated content with updated statistics to get more inbound links. Repurposing your content makes it massively shareable. More links to your website contribute to higher traffic and better SEO rankings.

7. Better SEO

Search engines determine the position of your website based on your content. Your content should be unique, authentic, relevant, informative, and conversational to dominate SERPs. Repurposing your well-performing content helps search engine crawl bots and algorithms rank it better since you’re targeting the exact keywords without duplication. Besides organic visibility, content recreation also contributes to an enhanced brand reputation.

8. Improved Reputation

Repetition tends to make your message tedious and unexciting. Content recreation rejuvenates your outdated content to increase retention and promote brand credibility. It empowers your presence online while establishing your expertise in the niche. Repurposing keeps your content fresh as well as beneficial for your target audience. That’s why this technique has become a norm among modern marketers for improving a brand’s reputation and engaging effectively with customers.


Experts have described repurposing as the “recycling of ideas” since it makes your content timeless. The audience craves newer content. But the content – no matter how popular it was – becomes outdated and forgotten eventually. So, marketers focus on recreating older publications instead of producing newer content all over again.

A survey shows that one-third of marketers have a systematic process to reuse their published content. Some 56% dabble with content recreation occasionally, while only a minority doesn’t reproduce the content at all. Remember that content repurposing contributes to enhancing the brand’s reputation while capturing a better audience for your company.

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